This brilliant wellness guru started her platform The Daily Crisp to raise awareness about health…
Tag: body
The Amazing Similarities between Yoga and Islam
Being a Muslim practicing yoga, it didn’t take long for me to notice many similarities…
The Five Destructive Emotions
Many relate diseases to various factors, whether scientific, emotional, mental or even environmental. The Chinese…
There’s No Such Thing as a “Yoga Body”
After being a yoga instructor for a few years now, I frequently come across students…
Asmaa Amr: First woman to walk the Sinai trail!
25-year old Asmaa Amr walked like an Egyptian the 200 km Sinai trail, going from…
I have Cancer but Cancer Doesn’t have Me!
Life is full of roller coaster rides, ups and downs, happiness and sorrows; and all…
Hidden Beauty Treasures at Your Local Attar
Here are a few oils you can easily buy from your nearest spice merchant ‘Al-Attar’.…
“Feminism is about gender equality”, Amina Amr, Founder of 7ekoukik
When 18 year Amina Amr found out the true, terrible extent of gender inequality in…
Things I Never Thought I’d Say Until I became a Mommy!
Being a mother is one of the most fulfilling things one can ever experience. It’s…
From Yoga Poses to Detox! 5 ways Islam Heals the Body
Edited by Yara Alsayes Ramadan is a time of spiritual reflection and improvement. Muslims…
Funny Moments all New Moms have been Through!
Being a new mom is never easy; it comes with sleepless nights, a lot…
The Unforgettable Four Seasons Spa Experience
Four Seasons Nile Plaza introduced a brilliant idea, they send you a limousine to…
Things Get Hairy! 7 Embarrassing Moments during the First Year of Marriage
It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been dating, getting married and actually living together is…
Mind, Body and Soul Map
Yoga: YallaYoga: 15 Maahad El Eshtraky Street, Heliopolis (Opposite Merriland Park) – 01278663371 …
Yoga means union of mind, body and spirit.
This state of union requires that the mind be focused in the current reality and…
What’s the Story, Morning Glory? Morning Erections 101
Morning erections of the penis – or what is scientifically known as Nocturnal Penile Tumescence…
Happy feet – Tips for Beautiful Sexy Feet
We all seek smooth, beautiful feet. Especially during summer, where flip flops and feet exposure…
Namaste in Style! Our Yoga Retreat
After a busy production week, we got really lucky to receive an invitation from Oysho…
Fact: Yoga is essential for your sex life
Yoga is a holistic practice that treats the mind, body and spirit as one. And…
Detoxing in Thailand
Norhan Nishan, 26, frustrated from the city that killed her energy, creativity and productivity, she…
Yoga Chakras
The system of chakras in the yogic tradition describes seven energy centers along the “shushumnanadi”,…
The Detox File
Recycling our mind, body and soul… With bad media, junk food, pollution, traffic and…
Curves: The Love-Hate Relationship!
“The biggest heartbreak is when patients undergo surgery and think it’s going to cure everything,…
Aromatherapy Made Easy – Balancing Body, Mind & Spirit with Pure Essential Oils
What is Aroma Therapy? Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils…
The Most Common Sexual Health Myths Revealed
There are many myths related to sex, pregnancy and hygiene, it is not clear where…
The Drink-water-all-you-can Myth
A lot of people tend instinctively to drink water when they start to sweat, believing…
International Women’s Day
The theme for 2008 is: “Investing in Women‘s Health”. Why dedicate a day exclusively…
Being Healthy with Alternative Health Modalities
Women are infamous for giving all in everything they do. But between family and career…