Rejection Therapy

Embracing Rejection: The Power of Rejection Therapy

In a world where success is often equated with avoiding failure, rejection therapy offers a counterintuitive yet profoundly transformative approach. It is a new path to personal growth and resilience. Originating from…

Safe Space: Be Your Own Savior

Stop waiting for someone or something to come and save you; Be Your Own Savior! Just like it is easier to place blame on others, it is much easier to wait for…

Safe Space: Life’s Purpose

Safe Space: Life’s Purpose(s)

I was thinking about “finding your purpose” and it hit me. Why do we think our lives have one sole purpose? Why is it always one ultimate goal, one true love, one…

The Art of Saying No and Setting Boundaries

In a society that glamorizes being busy, we often find ourselves stretched thin, juggling numerous commitments and obligations. It is easy to fall into the trap of saying “yes” to everything, fearing…

Imposter Syndrome

Navigating The Shadows: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

In the fast-paced and competitive world of today’s workplace, imposter syndrome has become an increasingly prevalent challenge that many, if not all, professionals face. It is characterized by persistent self-doubt and a…