In our modern world there is still a great emphasis on physical attraction between couples.…
Tag: السيدات
It is ok to be normal; the world needs more normal people
I often find myself wondering what the hell am I doing on this earth? I…
Crazy Myths Women Have Been Told About Their Bodies
As we get older our bodies change, and our tolerance to certain things and habits…
An Unhappy Marriage: Should I Stay Or Should I Go?
Before the end of any marriage there is a long moment of reflection. Reflecting on…
Coushies: A Brand built by underprivileged female crafters
Yasmine El-Mehairy the brains behind SuperMama, one of the best family platforms in the Middle…
“The minute I lost my 15 day old baby boy was the minute I lost a part of my heart” Coping with the loss of a newborn
Blessed I am with 2 healthy and beautiful children that have turned my life upside…
Kick Like A Girl: Meet the Female National Soccer Team!
Football tends to evoke a sense of unified happiness amongst Egyptians that reaches to immeasurable…
Ola Roshdy’s Weghet Mazar: A Portrayal of Motherhood Struggles
Ever since the introduction of reality TV shows, we’ve been wondering how ‘real’ these shows…
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of being a Flight Attendant!
Being a flight attendant has always been a dream job for many girls. There is…
How hard is it to be veiled and living in a foreign country?
Lately, it’s no picnic to walk around with your head wrapped up in a religious…
“Feminism is about gender equality”, Amina Amr, Founder of 7ekoukik
When 18 year Amina Amr found out the true, terrible extent of gender inequality in…
A Mother’s Challenge: I Lost my Eye, but Happiness is A Decision
Shutterstock/ Dubova Every new mom faces a lot of challenges that either make or…
I Can’t Wait to be 30! “our society will always find things a woman is “too late” for”
“I can’t wait to be 30!” … I remember how that came off as a…
Hotter than Grey’s Anatomy! 9 Hot Doctors you should Know About
Some jobs are sexier than others; it’s a fact of life. And doctors are way…
Yara Goubran “I think every woman has been in this situation, torn between revenge and justice”
Yara Goubran, the stunningly unique actress known for her roles in independent films. The avant-garde…
A Story of Incest “I can’t wear a Night Gown at Home…”
It started when I was in second grade. He was eight years older than…
Grief Therapy: Dealing with the loss of a loved one
Understanding a problem and actually facing it is usually the first step of solving it.…
Every Family has it’s Share of Sick Cousins and Uncles!
“Do you want to have kids?” “Do you want to have kids?” He asked me.…
Virginity: It’s More Than Just a Stupid Hymen
The meanings of the word ‘virginity’ are abundant, both physical and metaphorical.But it seems that…
The Relationship Goals We Should All Have
With a lovely picture from the cartoon Up in the background, or an old couple…
Life After Taking Off The Veil; All Glammed up, or All Blamed Upon?
To veil or to unveil, this is a dilemma many girls face nowadays. The decision…
8 Things you Learn Working in an Egyptian Call Center
Call centers are arguably to hell that humanity has ever been. The moment you walk…
Allaga: Proving Egyptian Fashion never dies!
After learning about the existence of the reputable Fashion Design Institute right here in Egypt,…
Into The Wild! Our 4 day trip with no makeup, showers, mirrors or money.
By Nayera El-Zeky Since the name Destination 31 is a reference to Egypt being the…
10 woes women in Egypt consider before stepping out the house
let’s face it we live in a country where we need to plan ahead and…
8 Things I Would Have Done if I Were a Boy
If I were a boy, I would have moved out of my parents’ house the minute…
Discussing the Macho Man Syndrome with Sherif Madkour
Love him or hate him, but you must agree that Sherif Madkour is a very…
The Hefty Price of Being Your Own Individual in Egypt
Are we an Insecure Nation? Are Egyptian men insecure when it comes to their…
7 Foods that Boost Fertility and Libido in Men and Women
Fertility in men and women is affected by many internal and external factors. Internal factors…
Don’t be his “Therapist” or his Attraction Will Plummet!
When men tell women their problems and their issues at work, their commitment fears, their…
A Journey of Beliefs with Nawal Al Saadawi
Nawal Al Saadawi is legend. The 81-year-old feminist, physician and author is as polarizing as…
Benefits of being in the’ friend-zone’
It’s inevitable for some people to accidentally bump into the friend zone. In fact, some…
Malala Yousafzai: In the Face of Bullets for Education
The14 year old outspoken Pakistani education activist, Malala Yousafzai, was shot on her way home…