Your Ticket to Stress Relief in this Hectic World, Autogenic Training

First of all, let us explain what Autogenic training actually means. Autogenic training is a technique used to reduce stress through mental exercises, resulting in physical relaxation. This technique can be used to alleviate many stress-induced psychosomatic disorders. It is pure physiology, but it can be a first step to real spiritual healing.
This technique was founded by Johannes Schultz, a German doctor, to describe his original discovery first published in 1932. Today, Autogenic training teaches you to self-produce a feeling of warmth and heaviness throughout your body, thereby experiencing a profound state of physical relaxation, bodily health, and mental peace.
It’s not only beneficial for individuals, but has also been used a lot through history in institutions such as hospitals and schools.

“Autogenic training teaches you to self-produce a feeling of warmth and heaviness throughout your body, thereby experiencing a profound state of physical relaxation, bodily health, and mental peace.”

One of the advantages is that it doesn’t require a long daily time commitment, three minutes, three times a day, is more than enough in the beginning. Here is a list of benefits to this simple training!
Getting Over Addiction
Once you become proficient at it, you can use Autogenic Training to overcome addictions; such as smoking or gambling.


Overcoming Unwanted Habits and Phobias
Change unwanted behaviors, such as nail biting, resolve phobias, such as fear of flying, and mitigate symptoms of physical ailments.


Resolving Anxiety
If you tend to be a nervous or anxious person, Autogenic Training can help you find an inner place of calmness and emotional peace.

 “Autogenic Training can help you find an inner place of calmness and emotional peace.”

Helping with Environmental Stimulation
If you are a highly sensitive person, with Autogenic Training you can learn to cope with environmental stimulation by dismissing it from your attention rather than feel overwhelmed by it.


Psychological and Physiological Wellbeing
In fact, you can use Autogenic Training to help overcome just about any psychological or physiological problem; the results will vary according to the severity of the problem and according to your own discipline and confidence.


Overall Harmony and Balance
Autogenic Training helps to connect and create harmony between the mind, body and soul. Autogenic Training restores the balance between the activities of the branches of the nervous system. This has important health benefits of promoting the digestion and bowel movements, lowering blood pressure, slowing heart rate, and promoting the functions of the immune system.


Sarah Moussa is a certified Autogenic Training Instructor from GTH Switzerland, Swiss Association for Therapeutic Hypnosis and Research in Hypnosis. You can reach out to her about attending the course or more information via email:


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