Sarah Moussa

Relearning How to Love Healing from Unhealthy Family Dynamics

We are born to love our mother, father, sister, and brother, regardless of how they treat us and treat each other.  We are programmed that this is love, trust, respect, and security.  We are programmed that a verbal apology over and over again, or no apology at all, is acceptable, just because we are family;…

Three things I learned about parenting – while on the toilet …!

I write to you from the toilet. Not going poop or anything – don’t’ worry. But I’m definitely sitting on top of the toilet seat cover, phone in hand – and two loud AF kids pounding on my door. A four year old whining because he wanted to drink the water from the iron steamer…

Your Ticket to Stress Relief in this Hectic World, Autogenic Training

First of all, let us explain what Autogenic training actually means. Autogenic training is a technique used to reduce stress through mental exercises, resulting in physical relaxation. This technique can be used to alleviate many stress-induced psychosomatic disorders. It is pure physiology, but it can be a first step to real spiritual healing. This technique…



Anniversairy CampaignWhat Women Want 16th Anniversary