Farida Said is a 34-year old certified Visual Arts Teacher who shifted her career to pursue Kitesurfing and Pilates. Growing up, Farida pursued a more traditional career path when she solely focused on her academic studies; however, she remained unhappy when it started affecting her physically and mentally. Farida stepped out of her comfort zone at the age of 23 when she decided to pursue her true passion, sports. We sat down with her to know all about her journey as a Kitesurfing and Pilates Instructor!
Kitesurfing and Pilates became Farida’s passions when they made her more aware about her body and gave her so much confidence!
“They truly both aligned in my life, even though they are completely different sports,” says Farida.
Farida started pursuing sports at a late age which ultimately affected her performance. However, both Kitesurfing and Pilates were the perfect sports for her as they not only challenged her, but they also served her goals.
“Kitesurfing to me is all about taking risks, trusting your feelings, and pushing your limits…Pilates didn’t just save my physical body and fixed my alignment, it taught me discipline and life, especially as I became an instructor myself,” she tells us.

Farida firmly believes in growing and developing in order to reach one’s passions and goals.
“Development is endless. There are so many opportunities to discover yourself in so many ways especially when you push yourself to be out of your comfort zone,” she states.
Kitesurfing opened many possibilities for Farida. She explains how she loves that everyone is loyal to this sport even if it includes traveling around the seas, waking up early, experiencing freezing water. “It makes us better people,” Farida explains.
Before becoming a coach herself, Farida was a client at Reform Pilates Studios, where she explains her life has changed.
“It is simply the art of movement. I don’t just use it in kitesurfing, I have it with me throughout my daily life,” she states.
Pilates affected Farida’s mental and physical health, as it taught her to become more aware of her breathing and balance.
“You don’t demonstrate, you use your words and the right terminologies to move the body in front of you,” she explains.
Pilates definitely has room for growth and expansion in Egypt. Farida Said says that she works with different types of clients and helps them pursue their goals. “I work with male and female clients; seniors, juniors, athletes, dancers, and people with either chronic pain or recovering from injuries,” she says.

Psychotherapists have started recommending Pilates as a form of therapy as it offers great results as well. The key to life is having the right balance. Farida explains how being an early bird helps her set goals and priorities straight. Her life is split between Ras Sudr and Cairo. “Everyday has a certain goal and project that is ongoing because consistency is key,” Farida says.

Right now, Farida Said is hoping to enroll in the level 3 as a senior Pilates instructor. She strives to encourage more females into joining Kitesurfing as a sport.
“My main aim is to work hard and live better. I am planning to grow old and still keep doing what I am passionate for no matter the age number, and Pilates assures me that.”