Passion for cinema: She is just different. Her passion for film allows her to experiment…
People we love…Bushra
Full throttle talent! Bushra, ‘knock on wood’, has it all; the whole 9 yards! She…
Shahenda Maqlad
The female Che Guevara of Egypt “Tell us Shahenda, the mother of the saddened voices,…
People We Love: Aida El Ayoubi
A voice from heaven: Aida is gifted with a heavenly voice that shot her to…
Ramy Ashour; “Being World’s number one is not all glamour; it needs a lot of sacrifices.”
He is confident, he is victorious and he knows no defeat. He is one…
A Journey of Beliefs with Nawal Al Saadawi
Nawal Al Saadawi is legend. The 81-year-old feminist, physician and author is as polarizing as…