Shereen Shaheen

Essential Home Decor Pieces for Every Home

Home accessories, with no doubt, are one of the essential elements while decorating any interior. It blends all the elements together to enhance the overall mood of the house. There are the obvious famous home accessories that we purchase like rugs, decorative cushions, vases, and table cloths. Yet, being in the market for quite a…

bright home space

7 Easy Tips to Make a Home Space Feel Brighter

A bright and welcoming space to unwind and rest is something we all desire after a long day at work or a difficult school day, or after any stressful day. You won’t need a large home or lavish furnishings to get this feeling. You may include basic concepts that can improve the overall atmosphere of…

بيت العيلة

بقى طبيعي جدًا النهاردة إن أعضاء جديدة تدخل العيلة، مرات أب، زوج أم، أخوات جديدة أو أجداد بيتنقلوا للعيش مع العيلة وهكذا. تفصيل البيت عشان يناسب الأعضاء الجديدة بقى ضروري وطبيعي جدًا إن الناس تبقى عايزة تستمتع بمساحة شخصية وخصوصية حتى لو في وسط عيلة كبيرة. دي شوية نصايح ممكن تتبعوها وتطبقوها.   غرفة المعيشة…

Renovating your house is not only for Newly Weds, Here’s A Creative Guide!

There is this notion that once you hit a certain age phase, you surrender to the reality surrounding you. Whether your job, your lifestyle or even your house. Self-motivating speakers always talk about never giving up and it’s never too late. Well, actually, after reaching a certain phase of life you should take care of…

From “Niche” to Expensive China, Society Doesn’t Decorate Your House, You Do!

Somehow, when decorating or furnishing our houses, we are put under family/peer pressure to reach a certain criteria for a couple of categories. Whether it’s a tradition, or “what will people say”. If it doesn’t fit –or you don’t believe it does– then don’t do it. Here are some areas that are attached to this…


حلول ذكية لديكور البيت: لذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة

في مصطلح اسمه الأثاث الذكي، يعني المنتجات والعفش، المصمم علشان يسهل استخدامه لكل الناس، ومن ضمنهم اللي بيعانوا من إعاقات جسدية. اللي كان موجود قبل كد كان الأثاث سهل الوصول،  اللي تصاميمه بتخدم احتياجات الناس الغير قادرين جسدياً على وجه الخصوص. المختلف بقى في الأثاث الذكي هو إنه بيخلق بيئة مريحة لكل الناس، من غير…

Decor Solutions for Differently Abled Living

The term universal design refers to architecture, products and interiors that are designed for easy use by everyone, including those with physical disabilities. The predecessor to universal design was “design for accessibility”. These terms refer to designs that serve the needs of people with disabilities. But universal design is different in that it emphasizes the…


Minimalist Mansion: Small Decorating Ideas

With emerging populations comes the rise in buildings with small interior spaces. Whether an apartment or a one-floor house, today, most interiors have small areas, but with present-day interior solutions you can benefit from all the available space. Here are tips on how to achieve this. Light Colors This one is obvious. We were all…

The 5 Magical Interior Solutions

With the emerging populations comes rising buildings with small interior spaces. Whether an apartment or a one-floor house, today, most of the interiors are with small areas. But with present-day interior solutions, you can benefit from all the available space. Here are tips on how you can execute this.   Light Colors This one is…