Shama Kaur

Constant Anxiety Won't Save The World

Constant Anxiety Won’t Save the World

We are living in the new age of activism, where platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and youtube amongst others are giving you a golden opportunity to speak out about social issues that deeply concern you in the hope that that you can influence the opinion of your community. Whether you are raising awareness about…

Want to Be a Healer? Start with Self-Healing!

Whether we like to talk about it or not, whether we like to remember it or not, most of us have experienced early childhood traumas while growing up, which still affect our lives until today in both positive and negative ways. For most of us, we suffered from our parents or relatives who raised us…

What Yogic Philosophy tells us about the male mind

In yogic philosophy, men are said to be similar to the energy of the sun and women are said to be similar to the energy of the moon. In this article I will give you a glimpse of what that means so you can see how to apply it in today’s world. It is important…