الحفاظ على العلاقات مش حاجة سهلة، والخناقات ما بين الأزواج عادية وكمان ممكن تكون صحية لأن مافيش علاقة مابتعديش بظروف صعبة، لكن اللي يقلق هو ان العلاقة تبقى سامة، العلاقات السامة بتخلق أشخاص سامة على المدى الطويل، دي معلومات ممكن تساعدك تعرفي اذا كانت العلاقة اللي انتي فيها سامة. قلة الإحترام الإحترام المتبادل مهم لنجاح…
10 Signs You Are in a Toxic Relationship
Relationships are one of the hardest social constructs to maintain. Couple fights are normal, in fact healthy, because there isn’t one relationship that does not go through rough patches. However, it is concerning when relationships become toxic. Toxic relationships on the long run create toxic people. Here’s what you need to look for to identify…
A Beautiful Scar: On Emotional Wounds, Healing, and the Power of Letting Go
Emotional scars have adverse effects far greater than physical ones. To me, physical scars are proof that you survived something that was meant to break you. Physical scars show strength and that is why most people with battle scars choose to keep them even though they can be removed. They actually have pride in their…
This is Forty: Time to Stop Lying About Our Age?
Have you ever wondered why some women lie about their age? I keep asking myself: why do we feel embarrassed to say how old we are? Why are we constantly in a position where we feel ashamed of growing older? Well, let me tell you that the only thing we should be ashamed of is…
Are You Original or Just a Copy?
All my life I’ve heard different labels on women’s appearances: “She’s short”, “she’s tall”, “she’s skinny”, “she’s fat”, “she’s light-skinned”, “she’s dark-skinned”, and the list goes on. As a girl, my mom built my self-confidence so much that I never had to explain my looks to anyone. I’ve always felt beautiful, and this is all…