10 Signs You Are in a Toxic Relationship

Relationships are one of the hardest social constructs to maintain. Couple fights are normal, in fact healthy, because there isn’t one relationship that does not go through rough patches. However, it is concerning when relationships become toxic. Toxic relationships on the long run create toxic people. Here’s what you need to look for to identify if your relationship is becoming a toxic one:

Lack of Respect

Mutual respect is key to the success of any relationship. Losing respect for one another is one of the worst stages you may reach in a relationship. No matter how much you try to fix it, you can never go back to seeing each other the way you used to.

When you break someone’s trust, you break their whole perception of you and the whole relationship

Breaking Trust

Trust is one of the rocks that hold any relationship still. When you break someone’s trust, you break their whole perception of you and the whole relationship. Without trust, even if you choose to stay, the relationship is never going anywhere.

Feeling Unhappy

When a relationship starts bringing you sadness rather than joy then something isn’t going right. In loving relationships partners usually feel a kind of euphoric happiness. No matter how bad your day was, knowing that you have someone who can still cheer you up is everything. If your sad moments outweigh your happy ones, then you’re wasting your life.

How can you expect a relationship to grow when one party has all the power and controls all the decisions and actions of their partner?

Extreme Jealousy

Extreme levels of jealousy may lead to destructive behavior in a relationship. How can you expect a relationship to grow when one party has all the power and controls all the decisions and actions of their partner? Being unable to express yourself in order to keep the peace of the relationship is a clear sign that you cannot go any further.

Inadequate Support

If they are not your biggest supporter then they are not worthy of your love. When you constantly feel like you are on your own, you’ll end up with one scenario. You’ll eventually avoid talking about your dreams, needs or problems, because you know you’ll either be ignored, accused of neediness, or silenced by empty promises.

Carrying the Blame

Some people have the ability to manipulate their partners by always throwing the blame on them. Carrying the blame for every mistake done in the relationship will eventually leave you drained. When you feel like you have to consider everything a million times in fear of upsetting your partner, then that is another sign that the relationship is getting more and more toxic.

Undermined Self-worth and Self- confidence

Feeling valueless is one of the worst feelings your partner can make you go through in a relationship. A partner that constantly criticizes you, embarrasses you and seeks to break your self-esteem is definitely a toxic partner.

Losing your Soul

One of the biggest mistakes people make in relationships is to become something else for someone. If you can’t be your true self in front of your significant other, there is definitely a problem. Losing yourself, giving up on your dreams and passions, and letting go of everything that makes you, basically, “you” are all indications that this relationship will only get more toxic.

Bringing Out the Worst in You

When you’re the only one who gives love, support, and compromise for so long; you reach a point where you don’t want to give anymore. You no longer have the energy or you simply don’t see the point of giving when it has never been appreciated. You owe it to yourself to let that person go. It is impossible for anything positive to come out of a partnership filled with this negativity.

If you feel scared of your partner or that you are unsafe, you shouldn’t be with them

Being Subjected to Abuse

Emotional, verbal and physical abuse are all alarm signs that you should leave. If you feel scared of your partner or that you are unsafe, you shouldn’t be with them. Always remember, an act committed more than once is a choice, not a mistake. If your partner chooses to constantly subject you to any form of abuse then walk away because it doesn’t get any more toxic than this.

Most of us are wired to hold on for as long as we can. Some of us even believe that there is no way out. Even when we’re completely miserable, we cannot quite seem to walk away. The truth is when relationships get toxic, it is better to leave. Identifying that you are, in fact, in a toxic relationship is the first step towards saving yourself.


After a Bachelor and a Masters degree in political science, Rana developed her passion for writing. Life has taught her that there is nothing more powerful than words. Becoming a mother has changed her priorities, and her writing blog has become the place where she lets go of everything and lets her mind and heart say what they want to say. instagram@ranagawishsays


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