Locks That Rock!

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1-      Summer is more outdoor outings, dust, oil and sand. How do you keep your mane smelling and feeling clean?

a)      Your mom: Shampoo every night before your bedtime. That’s how I kept you all squeaky clean through your early years. 

b)     Your best friend: Wash your hair with your milk shampoo before going out in the morning to moisturize it. Then wash it again at night with rose hips and vitamin E shampoo to cleanse your damaged hair.

c)      Your hairdresser: Shampooing your hair once a week is all your normal/ dry hair needs. If you have oily tresses, every other day is enough. Remember that water on its own can wash off all unwanted dirt and isn’t as harmful as shampoo. You can rinse your hair as frequent as you wish.


2-      Keep it long? Chop it off? Layer it a bit? Fringe or no fringe? What can possibly suit my face?

a)      Your mom: Long sleek hair looks best on you.

b)     Your best friend: Choose whatever you like among the up-to-date styles. Anything you feel most comfortable in is probably the hairdo for you.

c)      Your hairdresser: Short hair is in and healthier.


3-      What’s hippest this summer? Dying? Henna? Or highlights?

a)      Your mom: Henna all the way. And no one looks bad in red.

b)     Your best friend: Unless you’re turning grey, it’s always better if you kept your natural color.

c)      Your hairdresser: As long as you’re keeping your bob moisturized and well conditioned, you can color it every three months.


4-      Worse thing after splitting up and migraine are split ends. Are they all incurable?

a)      Your mom: Yes. Hide your split ends in a bun.

b)     Your best friend: Dramatically Different Hair Cream for split ends is the eighth wonder of the world.

c)      Your hairdresser: You can only treat your split ends by cutting them out of your way.


5-      How can I keep my hair healthy?

a)      Your mom:  Eat well.

b)     Your best friend: Be happy.

c)      Your hairdresser:  Treat yourself with a weekly thermo cream session.



6-      It’s mid June in baking hot lovely Egypt. I have my sun block cream, after sun lotion, classic aviators, and…

a)      Your mom: Your Baker Boy cap. It’ll keep the sun away from your hair.

b)     Your best friend: Nothing. Sun is good for your hair.

c)      Your hairdresser: Oil. It’ll block sun and salt off your curls.


7-      I want my hair style to look effortlessly attractive at the beach.

a) Your mom: The Baker Boy Cap!

b) Your best friend: Leave it natural and wavy. You said “effortlessly”!

c) Your hairdresser: Clip your fringe back to prevent oil and sweat and leave the rest of your hair flirting with sea breeze.


8-      Summer is not all beach volley and sun-tanning you know. How do I keep my hair charming but practical at work? 

a)      Your mom: Straight and simple.

b)     Your best friend: A bewitching bun shows everyone who is the boss. Meeawo!

c)      Your hairdresser: One day up, one day down, another braid, then curly a bit. Everything goes.


9-      What’s the latest hairdo for parties and weddings?

a)      Your mom: Brushed back with a little humph.

b)     Your best friend: Straight and feathered.

c)      Your hairdresser: A French twist.


10-  What’s summer 2006 must buy item?

a)      Your mom: A gingham head band reminds me of the good days.

b)     Your best friend: Smoothing serum to help reduce frizz.

c)      Your hairdresser: Ceramic Straightener.



1-      c

2-      b

3-      b

4-      c

5-      a

6-      a

7-      c

8-      c

9-      b

10-   All correct!


·         If you got 8 or above: Salute! You an expert. With hair like yours, who needs that high-waisted dress? You’re very natural but so trendy. You know what’s hot and what’s not and you certainly know who to ask on each occasion.

·         If you got 5 – 7: You’re one of us. You have your normal bad hair days, color went bad experience, and hair cut that you regretted. Remember that more products don’t necessarily mean finer hair.


·         Less than 4:  You can’t crown someone as the King of Hair and follow him/ her blindly. You have to know when to switch from one advice to another. As common as it may sound, red does not look good on everyone.



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