Azza Fouly

MPA – My Pampering Agenda: First Trimester

Between womanhood and motherhood there’s a vital leap called pregnancy when you either make it or break it. During the nine months course of pregnancy, you either give in to the old-fashioned grim look on mothers with “Bas ya wad! Bas ya bet!” attitude; or you turn into a stronger, more mature and sexier version…

Go for Gold

The 17 year old girl whose income doesn’t exceed LE 700 by any means had a plastic surgery! I’m trying to say that if someone is willing to pay minimum her six months worth of working (excluding food, rent, and her chipping in part to her family who made her work in the first place)…

Locks That Rock!

1-      Summer is more outdoor outings, dust, oil and sand. How do you keep your mane smelling and feeling clean? a)      Your mom: Shampoo every night before your bedtime. That’s how I kept you all squeaky clean through your early years.  b)     Your best friend: Wash your hair with your milk shampoo before going out…

Peter Pan and Alice in Workingland

It’s about time we break those dogmas, sisters. Let’s be a little bit kinder on ourselves and work with what we have. All you need will be some re-styling here and there. That’s it. What do we get if we mix Amina Rizk, Angelina Jolie, Martha Stewart and Princess Diana? You. That should be your…

On the 30 days of Ramadan?

One Hour of TV: Show your child you have other ways to be entertained, like reading, listening to the radio, or photography; and he’ll copy you. It’s as easy as that.   Two Shiny Lanterns: Bring one for your child and another colossal bright one for your living-room. That along with countless gleaming decoration will…

The Save-5-minutes-a-Day Shopping List

All Up and Ready The radio/ alarm clock The cleansing/scrub/mask (all in one) pot The very famous shampoo and conditioner 2 in 1 Why hand cream, face cream, body cream and feet cream when Vaseline works perfect head to toe? The boiler/cooler: your coffee is a sip away! The eye-shadow/blush/lipstick pot SPF makeup: no need…



Anniversairy CampaignWhat Women Want 16th Anniversary