Lilly’s Workshop Personalizing Fashion with Your Favorite Art

If you are looking to reinvent your ordinary piece of clothing, bag or even your shoes, think of any artwork you have in mind and Lilly will draw it for you! Not a magical fairy painter, but rather an online service where clients send in personal items and ask for customized artwork to be painted on them. Seeing how inspiring she is, we inter­viewed Lilly Helmy and she told us all about Lilly’s service where clients send in personal items and ask for customized artwork to be painted on them.

What inspired you to start Lilly’s workshop?

My friend Rana once left her bag at my house. I thought to myself “this bag could be so much more interesting, and maybe even noticeable.” So, I asked if I could paint something on the bag. We both liked the outcome and I thought that this could be the start of a business I am passionate about.

How did you discover your passion for art?

Ever since I was in Kindergar­ten I loved art. I enjoyed it more than any other subject. I started taking multiple art classes to improve and then discovered it was something I wanted to pursue.

What inspired you to start a small online business/ser­vice?

A dear friend of mine, who is now my manager, Nadia Eweiss, gave me my last push to finally make it happen. Also, a few months back my mother had known I liked to customize things and showed me Janan Studio, a very talented artist whom I look up to.

Tell us more about Lilly’s Work­shop?

Lilly’s workshop is a small business where I customize clothing items or whatever item I can draw on, and also sell paintings, as well as self-inspired art pieces.

How do you find the balance be­tween school and Lilly’s Work­shop?

I consider myself organized in a way in which I prioritize my learn­ing more than anything else. There­fore, I always finish what I have for school and my obligations.

What is the hardest part of the job?

The hardest part of the job is to find the idea itself because some people don’t really know what they want, so we have to think of what they like or what they’re interested in.

What sort of paintings do you usually paint?

My favorite types of paintings are the ones either with oil or acrylic, and I mostly like portraits or im­pressionism.

Who are your favorite painters and artists?

My absolute favorite artist is Van Gogh with his “Starry Night” piece and perhaps “The Scream” by Ed­ward Munch.

Do you want to study art in col­lege and pursue a career in it or keep it as a hobby?

I do want to study art in college since it’s something I’m very pas­sionate about, and it’s very impor­tant for me to do something that I love as a job.

To contact Lilly’s Workshop check her Instagram @lillysworkshopp

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