Go for Gold

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The 17 year old girl whose income doesn’t exceed LE 700 by any means had a plastic surgery! I’m trying to say that if someone is willing to pay minimum her six months worth of working (excluding food, rent, and her chipping in part to her family who made her work in the first place) for a pointier nose, you can imagine your way up to the higher classes. I’m not Care Bear naïve to ask you to be 100% satisfied with yourself. We all want and need to change one thing or another. My questions to everyone who wants to go for a plastic surgery are: Have you changed everything needs changing in yourself? Are you a flawless person except for your chin? Why plastic when you can have a gold new you with some inner changes? Then, if for any reason gold rust, go for the plastic. Now, let’s see what you need to change first.    


Refashion your Brain Style Not your Hairstyle

There’s more to life than split ends. How on earth are you going to pass as cool if you don’t know what’s going on around you, socially, politically or culturally? It will take you less than the time you spend straightening your hair to read daily. You can even do both at the same time.  


Uplift your Views Not your Eyebrows

Be positive regarding who you are and where you live, instead of moaning each morning on how crowded Cairo is. Try to be in sync with your surroundings or find solutions to their problems. Trust me, you’ll be more worth looking at if you signed up as a volunteer in any NGO that’s tackling the headache you most hate about the country. Feeling too excited, form your own NGO.


Nothing Fills up Cheeks More Than a Smile (try it out it works!)

What’s the use of rosy botoxed cheeks if you’re gloomy all the time? And what’s the need of rosy botoxed cheeks if you have a beaming and cheerful face? You don’t need to be born with a sense of humor to have one. It’s a normal end-product to a free state of mind.


Words Full of Meanings Rather Than Lips Full of Plastic

Miscommunication or lack of it, are the main reasons behind relations abortion. If you converse more with people you know, you’ll end up having them closer than if you scared them off with your swollen lips.


Chins up Not out

If you feel proud and have enough self-respect to who you are, where you’re from and what you achieved so far in life, you’ll be surrounded by admiration and approval from everyone else. Very few people form their ideas about you independently. The rest takes a hint from you. If they see you well-rooted in the ground and chin up in the sky, you gained their awe.  


Problem with Ears is That They Don’t Listen

I respect you might think your ears are too big, too small, sticking out, or with drooping earlobes. Yet, my problem with others’ ears is when they don’t listen to other people’s complains, advice, demands, etc.


A D Cup Heart

Don’t listen to what boys tell you about big bosoms. I bet with all my vintage photographs collection, no man can resist a big heart; one that is young, wild and fresh. Men are big kids that drool over a light backpack trip in Eastern Europe, or a hit gig.


Stapled Notes not Stomachs

Why staple notes and reminders of what you should and shouldn’t eat instead of stapling your stomach? Because, it doesn’t hurt. It costs zilch. You can always change your mind if you didn’t like it. And, it’s much healthier.


Transport not Transplant

Whether it’s flat or fat, sitting on it won’t make it look any better. Being brisk and energetic will shape you all up. Laziness will take you nowhere, even if you had a J Lo buttocks. Subscribe to your local gym, take daily walks if your neighborhood allows it, or track up in your club. Even on the superficial level, these activities will help you be more extroverted and definitely hurt less than the transplant.


Those Thighs are Made for Walking

Instead of making a fuss about your chubby thighs, make them more useful. Who do you think is more bewitching? Some gal with slim legs? Or one who knows what’s what around Egypt at least? I’m more charmed with a discoverer; a girl, who traveled around, tracked most streets of Cairo and beyond. She’d be more entertaining and deep. She’ll always have a story we don’t know. In addition, I don’t think she won’t have a pair of toned up limbs.


An Aura can Never be Plastic

Beauty, princess, is how you pull yourself together. It lies in your charisma, spirit and the shine in your eyes. This is the one thing no surgeon can offer you. It’s the positive energy, wide grin and your belief in yourself. Think queen, and you’ll be one. Think flaws, and you’ll have plenty of them. Relax and let people accept you for who you are. Christian Dior once said that, “Rest is the secret of all beauty”.   

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