Exercises Before Iftar “It won’t exhaust you, it’ll put you in the right mood”

We always think we’ll have more time than we actually do in Ramadan. We end up crammed at work and then over-eating at Iftar. After that, we’re too exhausted to do anything. If you plan on staying in summer tip-top shape this Ramadan, here’s a list of exercises that you can do while fasting.



You can spend few hours after you wake up doing some Yoga. It’s not exhausting; on the contrary, it will put you in the right mood to start your day. It will also tone your body, open your mind and prepare you for the day.



There are many easy meditation and relaxation techniques that work as exercises. You can use breathing exercises, for example, to change your mood and relax you during tough fasting hours.


“You can spend few hours after you wake up doing some Yoga. It’s not exhausting; on the contrary, it will put you in the right mood to start your day.”



What’s a better exercise in the holy month? Praying has a lot of poses that are similar to Yoga. So praying for prolonged hours will not only help your soul, but also your body.



Great cardio exercise that won’t dehydrate you all that much! Balance off this heat by swimming during fasting hours when you miss water the most. This is also great to do in the middle of a fasting day.



This is an exercise that feels more like a fun thing you’d do on your own than a workout! Zumba is a great way to lift up your spirits and get you in shape all at once. Zumba is best done right before Iftar, because you’ll be dehydrated by the end of it.


Play with your Kids

You’d be surprised at how intense a workout this can be. Play around with your kids; a little game of hide and go seek maybe? And you’ll end up having fun, and getting your body moving!


“Balance off this heat by swimming during fasting hours when you miss water the most.”



Instead of trying to resist the Nutella Kunafa at the next 3ozouma, have a little piece, but also do some crunches to get rid of that potential tummy. They’re easy and you can do them at home while waiting for Iftar. Get that six pack toned.



Choose to walk to work or to the grocery store instead of taking your car or a cab. It’ll get yor legs moving and heart pumping; walking is one of the best exercises you can possibly do anyway! It won’t dehydrate you and it won’t exhaust you too much, but it’ll get you off the couch.


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