ECO EGYPT Launches the Green List Campaign to Shed Light on Nature Conservation!

ECO EGYPT has recently launched the Green List Campaign. The campaign’s main aim is to promote establishments and products that contribute to environmental preservation. ECO EGYPT campaign is led by the Egyptian Ministry of Environment (MoE). Moreover, it is implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) with the National Bank of Egypt (NBE) as a Strategic Partner. 

ECO EGYPT is developed by the Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Egypt’s Tourism Project (MBDT). MBDT is implemented by the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA) in cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF).


What is the Green List Campaign?

The Green List Campaign features ​​many entities on its way to shed light on Nature preservation. For example, these establishments include; hotels with green labels, diving centers certified by the Green Fins program, ecolodges, and products with an eco-label, or that are adopting effective sustainable practices.

So, raising awareness about more sustainable practices is key to a cleaner future. As a result, The campaign is promoting the importance of sustainable tourism through different Egyptian brands. Hence, each business, in some way or another, contributes to the environment and the conservation of our natural resources. Therefore, ECO EGYPT is collaborating with several local eco-friendly businesses to further stress that fact through their recent VIP kits. 

The kit contains several local eco-friendly products provided by the following brands/businesses: 

Banlastic: Tote Bags & Recycled Notebooks & Reusable Bottles


Drumstick Designs: Biodegradable Plates 

Healing Herbs Boutique: Reef-Safe Sunscreen 


Bee E’ Wraps: Beeswax Wrap 

Well World with Hana: The Multipurpose Cleaner 

We Care Eco-Friendly Solutions: Food Wrapping Sheets & Wooden Cutlery Set 

Up-Fuse: Pouch & Notebook


To sum up, The Green List campaign aims to revive an understanding of sustainability and raise awareness of the efforts of Egypt’s local businesses. ECO EGYPT tells the stories of our planet. As a result, the Green List Campaign is one of those ways to tell these stories in the best way possible. 

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