Shaimaa Ashry

غلطات شائعة بنعملها بعد الطلاق

الطلاق من اصعب التجارب اللي ممكن تمر بيها الأسرة، القرار ده بياخده اتنين ناضجين فاهمين ان ده احسن اختيار في الموقف ده، لكن اطفالنا مابيبقوش فاهمين ده، اكتر حاجة الاطفال بتكون محتاجاها في الوقت ده هو التوازن العاطفي، وده صعب بعد الطلاق لأن احنا نفسنا بناخد وقت لحد ما نوصل للتوازن ده، بس برضه عايزين…

Common Mistakes we Make After Divorce

Divorce is one of the hardest processes that a family can go through. This decision is taken by two adults who understand that it’s the best option for this given situation. However, our children don’t understand that. What children need the most at this time is emotional balance, which is hard after divorce because we…

Are your Children Pawns in your Chess Game of Divorce?

How many of us dreamed of the white dress, the warm family and raising superpower kids? How many of us got married as a result of peer pressure or to just break free from a controlling family? And how many of us fell in love and were confident enough that we will have the best…