الرسالة دي مش عن ايه الحاجات اللي تدوري عليها في الراجل، لا هي عن ازاي تبني علاقة مبنية على الاحترام والحب والتقدير المتبادلين. ماحدش كامل، وفارس الأحلام مش موجود، نقطة، العلاقات بتتبني، والبناء بيتطلب تغيير مستمر، فأنتي لازم تلاقي ادوات بناء تقدري تعتمدي عليها وتبني أساس من القيم اللي بتترجم لعادات، دوري على ديناميكية جذورها…
Becoming Partners on the Journey of Marriage
I had the chance to work with many. Some brilliant, yet not partners; and some not very skilled, but strive to become it. I guess, in doing so, we became partners, especially when we realized we were seeking the same thing. And, might I add, became very talented in whatever skills we decided to pursue.…
Understanding the Healing Process
Scars heal on their own on the outside, then they leave a mark. A reminder. But, sometimes, scars are not seen on the outside and they also leave a mark. Whatever that mark is, we carry it with us, consciously, and other times, subconsciously. I have always wondered if emotional scars manifest physiologically. Being in the…
The Secret to Staying Young? It’s a State of Mind!
Here is a secret that’s been around for centuries. It’s been whispered among gypsies, practiced by yogis, shared among children, and traded by a few. It’s called the fountain of youth. Is there a way to stay young forever? Yes, there is. But, first, we need to set the parameters of what it means to…
Are our Brains Wired to Make Automatic Judgments about Others?
Have you ever wondered why people discriminate against one another? Why we sometimes feel the need to be superior? And why does this need often manifest as judgment that degrades a certain group of people? I mean, how many times have you heard someone demeaning or shaming another person for their skin color, hair type,…
هي عقولنا بقت متسستمة على إنها تدي أحكام على الناس؟
عمرك فكرت ليه الناس بتحكم علي بعض؟ أو تتعالي علي بعض؟ ليه بنحتاج ساعات نحس إننا أحسن من غيرنا؟ وليه الرغبة دي دائماً بتتحول لأحكام بنصدرها على أي مجموعة من الناس مختلفين عننا؟ كام مرة سمعت حد بيتريق أو بيقلل من ناس بسبب لون بشرتهم، شكل شعرهم، أو حتى مستواهم الاجتماعي؟ ومش بس كدة. لو…
Do We Want Our Children to Be A Better Version of Us? No, We Don’t
We need to understand danger, so it’s a danger no more. We can’t understand fire unless we feel its heat. We can’t grasp electricity without seeing its power, nor can we appreciate water without touching its flow. We are the children of death; for we came from the unknown and to it we shall return.…
Dear Daughter: Love Yourself
This letter is not about what to look for in a man, but how to build a relationship founded on mutual respect, love and appreciation. No one is perfect, and there is no prince charming. Period. Relationships are built, and building requires constant change. So find building tools that you can depend on, and build…
ثقة زائدة بالنفس، ودي مش القضية. الدراسات الحديثة أثبتت إن العنف والتغييرات السلبية في الشخصية بتنشأ نتيجة لتدرج هرمي اجتماعي. فعادة، المتنمرين بيلجأوا إلى الاعتماد على السلوك المتعلق بالسيطرة علشان يتسلقوا السلم الاجتماعي. علماء النفس اتفقوا إن التنمر تصرف مكتسب، المتنمر ممكن مايفضلش متنمر، والضحايا كمان ممكن مايفضلوش ضحايا. وبما إنها مشكلة إجتماعية، وتأثيرها قوي…
Dear Parents:Don’t Raise A Bully
You are not raising a bulldog for protection; you are raising a peaceful human being. Bullying is a problem. Psychologists have often speculated that bullies have low self-esteem, which is not the case. Recent studies have shown that its due to turbulent changes that require social hierarchies to develop. So often, bullies resort to…
Franco-Arabic and Tongue-Tied Children
Language is heritage. There is a folktale that tells a story of an old hero at a time before writing existed, called Abjad. He spoke to the universe, and in order to tell his tale he had to invent writing. I’m an Arabic native, but I’m ashamed of my language skills. My language is…
How To Teach Your Children To Love Their Bodies
If you change yourself to the good to see in the world, the world will meet you halfway. And if the people around one become influenced then it becomes a ripple; when big enough it changes the world for a microsecond. That is only logical. So in fact, you do have the power to change the…
Parents, You Don’t Always Have to Feel in Control; It’s Okay to Panic
Here is a confession: my marriage went from crazy beautiful to a living hell the first year after my baby girl was born. Adulthood struck me like thunder. I knew it was coming, but I could never suspect how hard it will hit. There is a cliché upside to all this, and I’m sure all…
Daddy Cool: Don’t let your anger cloud your parenting
A wise man once told me that I can only conquer anger with calm. As a teenager I didn’t really understand the message. I went around trying to force my opinion and points of view. I had many internal struggles that sometimes manifested as anger and self-hatred. But I made sure that this anger was…
6 magic spells that will help dads get involved with their children
The first thing that probably comes to mind when you hear “legacy” is how impactful your life decisions will be after you depart. We obsess over achieving that next milestone, that big raise, or that one jerk move which can earn us the corner office. Now let me tell you a short story about a…
The Fatherhood Manual: I remember feeling dreadful and excited, angry and scared!
I still remember the day my wife and I received the news that we were pregnant and the surge of opposite emotions kicking in. I remember the world dimming, vision blurring, and sounds fading. I remember feeling dreadful and excited, angry and scared, annoyed and appreciative. I was riding a pendulum and didn’t know how…