Acceptance is the key to a happy human!

One of the most important things in healing, and generally in the journey of working on yourself is: Acceptance.

An issue many of us may face is acceptance of some things, especially in the past. Although we know that the situation is over, our mind often dwells on it –and keeps wondering what if.

“Don’t choose to believe that you are a victim in a bad experience”

Yes, we cannot change the past, but the great thing is that we can change our thoughts and, consequently, how we feel about the past. That helps us with reaching the acceptance level. Acceptance does not mean being passive. Just of it think this way –which may help you: why punish yourself now because of a bad or unpleasant experience in the past? Try thinking of this experience, or resentment, as a big dark stone thrown, and kept, in the middle of your body. This is affecting your body systems, your emotions and your spirituality. Don’t choose to believe that you are a victim in a bad experience, because all the circumstances around you will make this belief grow and flourish. You need to choose to release these experiences, forgive others and even yourself. What you did at the time was the best thing you could do and handle. We may not know how to forgive, and we may not even want to forgive, but just have the intention and the rest will follow. The healing process will begin only when you think positively, and when you are willing to let go.

Forgiveness is also linked to Self-acceptance and Approval”

When the body becomes ill, one of the ways to heal is to look deeper into our hearts and minds –to see whom we need to forgive. Some hypotheses say that “all diseases come from a state of unforgiving”. Another tip to add here: the hardest person to forgive is the person you need to let go, so your mind can become healthy again. Forgiveness has nothing to do with being passive, or accepting bad behaviors or celebrating them. It simply means: letting go and accepting that it actually happened to you. I personally went through situations where I found it very difficult to forgive those who hurt me. As time passed, and my awareness grew, I realized that my forgiveness not only helped me move on but it healed me. I often didn’t know how to do it though, but the universe always showed help. Surprisingly enough, forgiving makes you feel more compassion and appreciation for yourself.

Forgiveness is also linked to self-acceptance and approval. Try to create your own safety net, where you trust that you really deserve all good things. People who accept and love themselves enough can forgive, let go and find the right balance in their lives and relationships.

“Start today, and accept the things that are in the past. More importantly, accept yourself and observe the miracles,”

Start today by not criticizing yourself for anything that doesn’t go as you planned. Instead, accept what happened and motivate yourself to do better next time. Remember, you have not been forgiving for years; you have not been accepting for years, why don’t you try something else and see the outcome? You have nothing to lose. Start today, and accept the things that are in the past. More importantly, accept yourself and observe the miracles.

Nada Rashed is a Complimentary Alternative Medicine Practitioner and Certified Reflexology Teacher, www.reflexologyegypt.comShe has a diploma in foot reflexology from Reflexology Association of Canada and later on specialized in different reflexology fields such as spinal reflexology, pregnancy, fertility and reflexology and hand reflexology. She also studied several courses in color healing/therapy. She is also an advanced practitioner of Flower Essences therapy.

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