Taking care of our skin has never been more important than it is today. Our daily exposure to toxins, pollutants and chemicals harmfully affect our skin, therefore protecting it is crucial for our wellbeing and beauty. Let that be your new change for the year.
Fads or Trends – are people who follow blindly and the beauty industry is taking a great advantage of those. Today that industry is a multi-billion dollar a year business. The industry that makes money has a mind and the consumers, those who spend the dollars, have unfortunately forgotten that they have a mind. That is why you need to be consulted by a professional expert, not the media. Surgery and makeup can camouflage the exterior, but can not undo the interior. A rare commodity these days is the “Inner Beauty”. While driving to a Plastic surgeon or a beauty center, why don’t you think of improving your inner beauty by taking care of yourself inside out?
The beautiful actress Elizabeth Taylor played the role of “Cleopatra”, which made me believe that Cleopatra must have been a beautiful woman. To my surprise she was not very pretty; her attraction rather sprang from her personality which was a blend of charm and character. Cleopatra knew how to take care of her Health and Beauty by taking her frequent “Milk Bath” and so many other modalities which we are seeking eagerly to use now in the world of beauty. However, it is crucial to know what we apply to our external skin to enhance our looks, for, to some extent, it affects us internally. When the ancient Egyptians used Henna as a coloring agent for hair, they had multiple reasons for using it. It is absorbed through the scalp and does more to our internal body than what meets the eye. Henna has been found by modern scientists to be antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-hemorrhagic.
According to Dr. N. Perricone in his book "The Wrinkle Cure", a
Today Pollution is such an issue in many large cities, and
Anti-aging facial skincare is the largest growing skincare industry. Cosmeceutical skincare is the very latest skin care treatment to hit the market today, replacing the use of products containing harmful chemicals. Here is a "
It is never too late to begin taking care of your skin. My advice that you can start at any age and do not think if you are in your 40’s or 50’s and plus, that there is no hope. I am one of these women who can vouch that it can be done. Then you may teach your daughter, granddaughter and other women.
Wellness and Beauty require a willing spirit, an open mind and physical commitment; for they start from the inside and manifest outwardly. Start slowly, one step at a time, stay focused and always have a positive attitude.
10 Steps for a Beautiful New Year Resolution:
1. Take a deep breath – O2 is vital for your organs; it will help you center your body, mind and spirit
2. Drink plenty of water – at least 8 glasses per day.
3. Eat a healthy diet – more organic fruits, vegetables and fish.
4. Exercise – 3 times a week, at least 30 min of walking or Pilates.
5. Stop smoking – minimize exposure to second hand smoking.
6. Plenty of rest – at least 6-8 hours of sleep a day.
7. Stress management – massage, aromatherapy or Epsom salt bath.
8. Minimize artificial food or drink intake –soda (coca cola) and sugar.
9. Humidify/Air filter indoor air – keep skin from drying out in winter and breathe clean air.
10. Your daily skin care regimen:
· Cleanse (with soap free bar)
· Exfoliate (at least twice a week)
· Moisturize (use products that are "Allergy-tested")
· Protect (sunscreen at least with
I hope I have inspired you to take a good look at yourself and make a change for you as a woman this year.
“Beauty is life when life unveils her holy face. But you are life and you are the veil. Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror. But you are eternity and you are the mirror.”, Khalil Gibran
Mrs. Amira Abdel Kader
Licensed Critical Surgical Care Specialist #100790
Licensed Massage Therapist # 02594
Licensed Medical Esthetician Skin Care Consultant #E2243
Wellness, Fitness and Nutrition Consultant
Holistic and Integrative approach to Wellness
www.jamilina.com, mail to: amira@jamilina.com