Travel Trouble Only Egyptians Face; Be Thankful for the 15 Countries out of the 195 in this World that Require No Visas!

We take pride in our heritage and roots, and some of us even love waving around the Egyptian flag in the faces of others, flaunting their patriotism for no reason whatsoever. However, travel anywhere, and all that backfires with inevitable problems you are bound to face as an Egyptian.



You can’t go to Almost Any Country without a Required Visa

Be thankful for the 15 countries out of the 195 in this world that require no visas! Party it up in Vietnam!


You can’t visit an Arab Country without being Told “Masr Om El Donia!”

You and that person both know the real deal, though…

“When non-Egyptians find out that you’re Egyptian, they proceed to share with you their long lost dreams of visiting the Pyramids.”

The “You’re Egyptian!” Said excitedly by Passport Control at any EU Country

When you approach the window for passport checks in any European country, more often than not you’ll get “you’re Egyptian?!” asked with both shock and happiness. “No, I’m from Zimbabwe, but I carry an Egyptian passport” is not the proper response if you want to step foot outside of that airport


You’ve got Pyramids, right?

When non-Egyptians find out that you’re Egyptian, they proceed to share with you their long lost dreams of visiting the Pyramids. Can’t deny how wondrous the pyramids are, but all you could think of during their lecture is the heat stroke you got last time you went there.


You Find Non-Arabs Constantly Asking you to Speak “Egyptian”

Egyptian is an ancient language that very, very few people know how to speak. I’ll be happy to speak to you in Arabic, though!

“As they go on about the beauty of Egypt like experts, you suddenly realize they’ve only been to Sharm El Sheikh.”

Everyone Assumes that you are Some kind of Political Genius

“What do you think of the new policies Sisi implemented for your country along with the latest economical decision to deal with the nation’s devastated situation?” If you’re just an Average Joe, try to look like you understand.


“Egypt is Beautiful! I’ve Only been to Sharm El Sheikh”

People will gossip and tell their wild tales of their Egypt expertise. As they go on about the beauty of Egypt like experts, you suddenly realize they’ve only been to Sharm El Sheikh.



After everything is said and done, though, the one thing you will never get tired of hearing or facing is when people tell you how kind and humorous they find Egyptians to be.


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