”What About the Kids?” Thoughts Mothers Have About Travelling the World

We all felt sorry for ourselves reading about the trend of “quit your job and travel the world”, which made us feel like underachievers. But wouldn’t it make more sense to leave the kids and travel?

You see, with all the love I have for my children, a vacation with kids is not a “vacation” per se: you do not respond to your own needs and priorities -rather those of the children and the household. When was the last time you pri­oritized yourself? The art of wak­ing up and sleeping whenever you want, without a handover or to­ do checklist or supper to make or a bedtime story to read. I know some of you out there say they do not need this break, well, I do!

I have been wanting to travel without the kids for a very long time. But I never really had the guts to do it. Obviously I did not quit my job and travel the world because if I did, I would have had no money to travel. So I kept my job and decided to reward myself with it. What’s the point of work­ing hard -and getting paid- if you are not spending your money on something that is aligned with your values and your priorities in life? No, sir, I do not work to save, I work to enjoy.

So my friend and I decided to leave our kids and travel. We were met with many pouty faces. But who cares when your dream vaca­tion is in your line of sight? I did have the support system in place to be able to leave the kids, and for that I am thankful. I went on a four-day vacation. Just four days, but my God! I have done so many things that were on my bucket list for longer than  I can remember. I ate amazing food, took good­ looking photos -in which I took my time to pose and smile- and I did some quality shopping -not the kind of last-minute, panicked holiday shopping.

We all need this; we need a break. Even if you think you don’t need a break, you need to try and take one. Even for half a day, prioritize yourself. Teach your children at an earlier age than your needs are also important, and they should respect this. The earlier you be­ gin, the higher your quality of life as a mother will be. Trust me to take the break. You will not regret it.


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