Troya – The Fire of Anatolia

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The Fire of Anatolia Dance Group, lead by Mustafa Erdogan, who directed and choreographed the excellent dance show, tells Homer’s epic on the downfall of Troya, the ancient city, once again reminding of the painful destruction of war.


Set with a spectacular backdrop at the Sound and Light Theatre the audiences are overwhelmed by the magnitude of the Pyramids and the Sphinx overlooking the performance making this one of the memorable performances for the crew.


With a mesmerizing interpretation of the historical happenings around Troya the audiences we captured and taken back 2500 years ago to witness the legendary Trojan Horse being smuggled into Troya. The costumes were a feast for the eye


In addition to the excellent artistic performance and the breathtaking scenery one must comment on the perfect organization of the VIP night that was organized and sponsored by Vodafone. The location was easily accessible followed by a smooth entrance and seating. All in all a great night to remember and the wish for a renaissance for Cairo’s cultural scene and hub for the Middle East.



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Photography Courtesy to Vodafone, Main Sponsor 

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