The Secret Ingredient to the Famous Burger El Nadi

Anyone who was born between the 80s and 90s share a resounding memory; running back at the club after a long day of playing and swimming, famished, to eat a burger. For no reason in particular, we loved that burger. It wasn’t a gourmet burger for sure, it wasn’t our mom’s homemade burger, and it definitely wasn’t a fast food burger. It was, however, very delicious. After extensive researched, we’ve reached the conclusion that it isn’t one secret ingredient, but rather a group of secret ingredients. Here’s the ultimate burger el nadi recipe.



Burger buns.

Sliced onions, tomatoes and shredded lettuce.

Ketchup and Mayonnaise.

Cooked cheddar cheese slices.


For the Burger Patties:

1/2 kg Minced meat (kabab halla preferably).

Pinch of cumin.

Salt and pepper to taste.

1 egg.

1/2 cup breadcrumbs.



Combine the patty ingredients, mix well and shape into patties. Set aside for half an hour in the fridge. Then, grill the patties. Make sure the patties are well done with crispy edges, this is how that nadi burger was like!

Put together your burger, make sure to make a side of fries and voila!

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