“The girl who hears you talking about your new bag might be getting paid 800LE” When Bragging Breaks Hearts!

Common courtesy isn’t all that impressive when you only extend it to those whose feelings you care about. Sometimes, we get so immersed into our own lives that we forget that not everyone lives as comfortably as we do. Sometimes, we’re so blatantly inconsiderate that those around us will have their spirits crushed because of a fleeting remark we made.

When you’re out with your friends, you shouldn’t tell them all about the new “cheap” villa you got for only 5 million the moment the waiter comes to put your food on the table.

When you get into a restaurant’s or mall’s bathroom. And with the poor woman who has to clean after us sitting within earshot, you tell your friend about the surprise your boyfriend prepared for you and the designer bag he got you as a present.

It’s completely inappropriate to be at the hair salon, getting your hair washed by a young lady. And you decided to fill the silence with your friend by telling her all about your new haircut and hair color that cost you 1000LE; only for you to get bored of it in two weeks and decide to come to the salon to change it.

“with the poor woman who has to clean after us sitting within earshot, you tell your friend about the surprise your boyfriend prepared for you”

When the driver is around, your son should know not to tell his friends about the new beach buggy you got him for 15 thousand pounds as a present for doing well on his finals.

We shouldn’t be like this, and we shouldn’t let our children grow up to be like this.

This can’t be your way of thanking God for his blessings. What you have is but a blessing from God, not a result of your hard work.

The people who serve you don’t have it easy; serving you is difficult. You don’t need to add insult to injury by telling your trivial stories that will only make them feel worse about their situation.

“The girl who hears you talking about your new bag or your boyfriend might be getting paid 800LE or less, and can’t get married, not even date.”

This driver could possibly want to get his son a present that would only cost 100LE, but he can’t. The girl who hears you talking about your new bag or your boyfriend might be getting paid 800LE or less, and can’t get married, not even date. And the young gentleman who decided to talk in detail about his new villa should be considerate that someone can hear him. This waiter might be struggling to come up with the means to buy a house that costs as much as one of the couches in that villa.

“I saw the girl working there looking unbelievably crushed.”

Let’s be a little more considerate, please! Things like that happened before my own eyes. The last time something like this happened was the bathroom situation. And I saw the girl working there looking unbelievably crushed. My heart ached for her and I had half a mind to tell her “you’re better than them in this life and the next”.

Try to put yourself in their shoes and imagine if you’re living on their salary and working as hard as they are and hearing this kind of talk. How would you feel?

Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) once said “have mercy on those on earth, so that he in the heavens may have mercy upon you”, and in another Hadith he said, “he who does not have mercy, does not get mercy”.


Yasmine Medhat

Founder of Bazarna Events


  1. Worth reading…this happens infront of me alot and the annoying thing is some of those snobs does that deliberately

  2. This is right. Except the fact is very insensitive is also far from prudent. It always hits me between the eyes witnessing such callousness and think less of any one who does it. Surely not in countries that the gap between incomes is horrendous.

  3. I’m so happy and impressed with your article,and I hope that people can understand it and start thinking about it,I wish we can be more simple and to understand that life it’s not only about money ,it’s about how to act and to give ,to be sensitive and caring to live with your nature spirit ,by being a human being and to thank God always for what we have and not stop thinking of the others and to respect them no matter whom they are ,thank you for your Artickle and I wish you all the best ,lamia said

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