Having a split face: the ultimate Hijabi struggle is coming to an end with these medical tips!

Summer is usually associated with days relaxing on the beach, tanning by the pool and satisfying all of the cravings you’ve had throughout the year. But it is not always rainbows and butterflies; the sun can be quite the nightmare for veiled women. As far as the struggles of Hijabis are concerned, the burning summer sun incessantly tops our blacklist. Although it is to be expected that the continuously exposed part of the skin would take in all the sun whilst the covered-up tips would stick to the original skin color, the outcome always comes as a shock. What you call tan is what we call the Balkhash lake where fresh and saltwater meet and yet refuse to mix.

We’ve all tried avoiding coming into direct contact with the sun but that is not really a suitable cure. Choosing to wear the Hijab shouldn’t mean that we no longer have the option to enjoy every bit of this flaming summer. So the question remains; how to avoid having 50 shades of beige on your face? To find the answer we spoke to dermatologist Tahra Leheta, who talked us through everything from basic-skin care tips to preventing split face.

“I get lots of patients who are overly-obsessed with skin care, all of whom range between the age 14 and 30”, Tahra tells. “When I discuss it with them, I realize that it is all a result of societal pressure especially with the explosion of social media. These girls get me screenshots of other girls from Instagram wanting to have skin like theirs!” she adds.

Seemingly innocent girly chats appear to know exactly how to push a girl off the edge, “People have become absolutely aggressive towards each other’s looks. They’d tell each other ‘what is wrong with your skin? What is up with your hair? Why do you look like that?” Tahra reveals.

“Before you rush to buy the sun screen, you have to learn what type of skin you have first”

Because we don’t all share the same skin characteristics, we can’t generalize skin-care tips, “We have to classify dangers of excessive exposure to the sun. Normal people who get slightly burnt by the sun for instance should take the usual precautions, which are applying sunscreen and wearing a hat. However, those who are allergic to the sunlight and automatically start getting pimples or dark spots on their faces are highly recommended to avoid exposure to the sun from 11 am to 4 or 5 pm”, Tahra tells.

“To avoid having a split face, it is preferable to tie your veil slightly behind your ears and constantly wear a hat not a cap! Sunscreen should be applied every two hours on your face and neck and it is recommended to take Vitamin C to treat dehydration”, she advises.

Before you rush to buy the sun screen, you have to learn what type of skin you have first, “Those who have a dry skin need to use sun screen cream but not a lotion, on the contrary oil works perfectly for those who have oily skin”, she adds.

“Women shouldn’t stay in the sun with synthetic clothes or burkinis for long because these particular materials increase the skin’s inflammation.”

“After a long day in the sun, you should apply an ice-cold compress to your face for 15 minutes and then use a moisturizer”, she says, “It is strictly essential to avoid the usage of scrub or a rough sponge after you are exposed to the sun because that that increases uneven skin coloration”, Tahra explains.

Meanwhile, can the clothes we wear to cover our skin contribute to how sun affects us? “Yes! Women shouldn’t stay in the sun with synthetic clothes or burkinis for long because these particular materials increase the skin’s inflammation which can later leads to uneven skin coloration. You can swim and then go directly to change”, she advises. “Regarding the veil, it should be either silk or 100% natural cotton. The softer the material that is coming in direct contact with your face is, the more you can protect your skin!” she concludes.

Feature Image Photo Credit: Veiled girls who participated via Miss Basket Facebook Group.

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