As a solo female traveler, where should you go?

Traveling by yourself as a woman can sometimes be a bit intimidating, especially if it is your first time! Not only are there the fears of being by yourself in a foreign land, but the added worry of sexual harassment or assault. On the other hand, the freedom of traveling alone can be an exhilarating and life-changing experience, which everyone should at least consider. And with differences in things like culture and security, some countries and cities are far safer than others. So we asked some experienced female travelers where the best places are to go as a solo female traveler from their experiences and these were the top recommendations:


1) HawaiiAlthough Hawaii is usually seen as being just a destination for honeymooners in search of a romantic get-away, it is increasingly become the location of choice for many solo female travelers. Due to its friendly and welcoming culture, you can feel at ease despite traveling alone. The abundance of tourists and travelers mean that it is easy to meet new people and make new friends, and there are plenty of safe adventures that you can embark on such as learning to surf and going whale-watching. Many of the islands are the kind of place where locals don’t have to lock their doors, so other than occasional petty theft, crime doesn’t seem to be a big issue.


2) Paris- Although petty crime and harassment can be an issues in Paris, if you take precautions and avoid being out by yourself at night, you can have a fun and safe experience! This city is an amazing destination for anyone that appreciates history, music, architecture and art. With galleries, gorgeous sites and lively bars all around, you will instantly be absorbed into the buzz of the city and completely forget that you arrived alone.


3) New Zealand- With such a small national population, the whole country manages to have that friendly community feel, especially in the South Island. Outside of the main cities, every street you walk down, you will be greeted by ‘Good Mornings’ and ‘How are you?’ by people that are more than willing to lend a helping hand if you are in need. It is very easy to make friends with both travelers and locals. And even if you go your separate ways, with only a handful of main roads in the country, you are likely to bump into each other at a later point- and it is always nice to see a friendly face.


4) Bali- With it is chilled out atmosphere, Bali is perfect for a relaxing holiday if you are a solo female traveler. For years this has been one of the prime destinations for women traveling alone, so the locals are used to seeing a woman by herself. The locals are very helpful and friendly, with staff often taking the effort to chat to you. There are also plenty of travelers to make friends with so feeling alone won’t be an issue.


5) Iceland- Often viewed as being the safest country in the world, this beacon for women’s rights is definitely a must-visit for solo female travelers. Not only is it super safe and locals incredibly friendly, there are also some truly beautiful things to see here. The snowy landscape, log cabins and potential glimpses of the Northern Lights will seem like a magical world apart from the sand and sun of Egypt.


6) Japan- The culture of respect and discipline makes Japan a prime candidate for top destination as a female solo traveler. Although it is quite pricey, if you are looking for peace-of-mind and a feeling of safety, Japan is one of the best choices. The incredible cities merging together technology and ancient history, combined with the stunning natural landscapes and delicious food are all reasons why Japan is a must-see.

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