Single Mom’s Support Group

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Lonely? Angry? Just can’t go on being nice when you are feeling so bad, sad or mad?


For the first time, LEI Institute will be organizing a support group for all the single mothers out there, to take place in the very stylish and cozy library, Al-Balsam Bookstore.

Support groups are groups of people who share a common condition or interest. Support groups can help you feel less alone, find new coping skills and motivate you to find your own solutions. You may be nervous about sharing personal issues with people you don’t know. So at first, you may benefit from a support group simply by listening. Over time, though, contributing your own ideas and experiences can help you get more out of a support group.

LEI started its first Single Mothers Support group last June. There are a lot of single moms out there, all asking and giving support, and there is more to it than you might think, as when you bump into moms with the same concerns that you have, it can provide mutually needed information and emotional support. There is a sense of community, understanding, as well as a place to laugh about the same things, talk about problems, and help each other. Being able to talk openly with others in the same situation can help you brainstorm for realistic, pragmatic solutions and is often exactly the support you need.

LEI’s Single Mom’s Support Group will provide you with the following:

·         On-going support.

·         Help in time of crisis.

·         Reinforce positive coping behaviors.

·         Help focus anger and use its energy in positive ways.

·         Share information, ideas and resources.

·         Give an opportunity to relieve loneliness and form new friendships.


 So what about the Children?

During the course of the support group session, you have the option for your child to join Al-Balsam Bookstore’s activities for LE50 only.

This includes: Story telling, activity, and one of Al-Balsam Bookstore’s paperback stories, “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”, as a gift. Whether you would like for your kid(s) to join the bookstore’s arranged activities, or if you would like to handle your kid’s supervision in some other way yourself, please vote for your preference to the right.

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