Sexual Predators can be Female! Men Speak up about Sexual Harassment

We always hear stories about women and girls who get sexually harassed in their everyday life. What most people don’t know is that men can also be victims of sexual harassment. We took some time to ask men about their experience with sexual harassment. Here are some testimonials from the men themselves, some of whom chose to remain anonymous.


At the work place

We were told by several men that they received inappropriate comments and gestures by people at the work place. Whether it’s a colleague or a boss that compliments him, or even makes an unwanted move on him outside of working hours, it’s still sexual harassment.

“A colleague flew in from England and I was supposed to take her out. She approached me thinking that it was OK to do so after a few drinks, but I was just being hospitable. There was touching, it was clearly sexual harassment, but of course you don’t report it here because no one would listen to a man being sexually harassed”, H A

“What most people don’t know is that men can also be victims of sexual harassment.”

Getting physical

Getting spanked or grabbed is something some might find shocking, but none the less true. This happens on the street, usually by younger girls who are trying to show off in front of their friends. The same way it happens from young boys harassing girls, pretty much! It still leaves the victim feeling shocked.

“I was in high school and I was passing by a girls’ only school and one of the girls just grabbed me on her way out, making an inappropriate remark.” Mohamed R


Discreet Harassment

This type of harassment is apparently common according to the men we spoke to. When it’s picture time, you casually stand, only to find the girl next to you is stroking your side or massaging it. It’s not easy for guys to say anything about it, so they are left feeling uncomfortable.

“We were a large group and I hardly knew the girl next to me, but like any group picture I put my arm on her shoulder, she then started stroking and massaging my back.” A W

 “Whether it’s a colleague or a boss that compliments him, or even makes an unwanted move on him outside of working hours, it’s still sexual harassment.”

“Come upstairs”

Inappropriate invitations to “come upstairs” could come from friends or complete strangers! On a hot summer day they say come up stairs with me, I have an AC in my apartment, or they claim something is broken and they’re the only one who can fix it.

“She lived next door to me, I didn’t know her very well. One day she knocked on my door wearing a little robe and asked me if I could come over and to fix her TV.” A W

“Sometimes a woman aims to flirt, but end up coming on too strong.”

School Girls Trying to be Cool

Even when the subject is an older guy, that doesn’t stop school girls from trying to throw in a comment here or there, only to impress their friends or have a story to tell the next day.

“I was standing in the street when a group of school girls called out “El 2amar wa2ef lewa7do leh?” Sharif R


Too Forward?

Sometimes a woman aims to flirt, but end up coming on too strong. This isn’t only a problem for men, women can scare men away too! The general rule is: if they don’t seem interested, don’t initiate physical contact.

“She would be driving, then she’d try to hold my hand!” Sharif R

1 Comment
  1. It’s quite sad listening to this! What has the world come to. I think it can be initiated by both parties but you are right in saying ‘if there is no interest then don’t initiate physical contact’ it’s funny I was just speaking to a male friend of mine in Egypt and discussing how forward girls are these days. Society has really changed and it’s scary to even envisage what society will be like in 20, 30 years time when our children are adults. 20 years ago? Women couldn’t be caught wearing a short skirt and smoking a cigarette at university but now that is common in today’s society.

    I see a blog post with my thoughts coming soon 😃 maybe.

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