On Mohamed Ramadan’s Cars; So what? He Earned the Money!

Actor Mohamed Ramadan, known for his movies where the Egyptian “thug life” is depicted in all its glory, posted pictures of his brand new cars recently on his Facebook page. Along with the pictures, he wrote a status update about how he was lucky enough to buy his two favorite cars, a Rolls Royce and a Lamborghini, and wanted to share this moment with his fans.

“there were those who brought up how he made that money by making films which encourage violence.”

As expected, there was an instant backlash. Hateful comments of all kinds were instantly fired at the young actor. The angry reactions ranged between people finding it offensive that he would share such expensive cars on his profile when some Egyptians are living in poverty, others thought it wasn’t appropriate to brag about his purchases, deeming it “new money” behavior, and there were those who brought up how he made that money by making films which encourage violence.

“Our society isn’t a reflection of Mohamed Ramadan’s roles, but rather his roles are a reflection of our society.”

Say what you will about Mohamed Ramadan, the fact remains he’s a success story. His talent is what caught people’s eye at first, and what he chooses to do with such talent is only up to him. While we personally believe he’s more talented than his most popular roles may show, we also don’t believe he’s responsible for the degeneration of our society. Ironically, it very well can be the other way around. Our society isn’t a reflection of Mohamed Ramadan’s roles, but rather his roles are a reflection of our society.

“it’s surprising that a country, over half the population of which is living under poverty line, cares so much about old money.”

That being said, his latest post is worthy of a few raised eyebrows, but we don’t believe it calls for all that hate, especially the “new money” argument. Honestly, it’s surprising that a country, over half the population of which is living under poverty line, cares so much about old money. Yes, many Egyptians are living in dire circumstances. Yes, Mohamed Ramadan’s audience can’t afford these cars. Still, he can afford it. The man bought two cars with money that he earned; what he chooses to do with his money is his business! And at the end of the day, is a Facebook post of a celebrity with his new cars worth all that anger?

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