Substance abuse statistics from around the world are staggering, and
William Benitez, an inmate of Arizona State Prison, founded the NARCONON program in 1966. Benitez read a book by American author L. Ron Hubbard, and by applying the principles it contained on increasing one’s abilities, he and dozens of other inmates were able to permanently end their addictions to heroin. The Narconon program has evolved from that simple beginning to a worldwide network of drug prevention and drug-free social education rehabilitation centers.
Narconon centers around the world are educating hundreds of thousands of people and rehabilitating thousands of addicts. The Narconon program is dedicated to eliminate drug abuse through prevention, education and rehabilitation.
The Narconon network consists of over 100 rehabilitation and drug prevention centers around the world. Our rehabilitation centers produce graduates, the majority of whom have demonstrated they can live stable, ethical, productive, drug-free lives. The Narconon drug prevention centers educate hundreds of thousands of people each year with live presentations and bring the truth to many more through video presentations and written materials.
The Narconon drug prevention and education program takes a comprehensive approach to preventing drug use through effective educational programs with school children, parents and educators, training for peer leaders and professionals, and broad information campaigns.
The Narconon Program has one of the highest success rates in the field of drug rehabilitation, with outside studies showing 75% of the graduates going on to lead stable, ethical, productive drug-free lives. These results are hard earned by the students, addressing many factors of one’s life, both physical and mental.
It is this success that has led to the large expansion of the Narconon network over the past 36 years.
The Narconon drug prevention program has also been shown to be highly effective in raising young people’s perception of risk regarding drugs. We have hundreds of thousands of student evaluations demonstrating this change, including many statements that they will no longer use drugs now that they understand the real effects and dangers.
Narconon staff has provided drug education to over 1.5 million children and adults around the world. Following Narconon presentations, each student is given a questionnaire to help Narconon to evaluate the effectiveness of the program. These surveys provide vital information that is used to enhance, update and increase the effectiveness of Narconon presentations.
Narconon success in reaching students is measured by the question; "Did your thoughts about using drugs change after hearing our presentation?" To date, we have received an overall 95% positive response to the program. 40% reported an increased perception of risk. 45% said their decision not to use drugs had been reinforced after hearing the talk. Over 90% felt they knew more about drugs after the talk.
Success story:
"I would like to thank the staff here at Narconon for helping me and having faith in me. Everyone was a lot of help. The staff always kept me on my toes and help me push, push, push till sometimes I felt I couldn’t push any more (I was wrong). It’s hard for me to think about where I came from, you would have to live it to understand. I don’t know where I am going to go in life but I know I won’t go back to where I have been. That’s behind me now. I’ve come too far to go back and besides I like, or should I say… I love being drug-free!!"
For more information contact:
Nour Salah
President Narconon