Microblading: the Latest Eyebrow Thickening Solution is Now in Egypt!

Thick hair on girls is not always a great thing. When it comes to eyebrows though, some of us are lucky enough to have naturally thick hair that helps give our eyebrows natural depth and darkness, accentuating our eyes and features. However, many others are not so lucky, and tend to have thin eyebrow hairs. Most of these people fill in their eyebrows on a daily basis using makeup – which wears off easily – and some others have resorted to permanently tattooing their eyebrows as a permanent solution. Today however, a third solution has been the talk of the town: microblading. We got you all the information you need to know, and where to get it done!

“However, in microblading the color doesn’t change, and the hairs fade off after a short period of time…”

What is micro blading? Unlike the regular form of tattooing, microblading – also known as 3D Eyebrows – is a tattoo artistry that is done using a manual tool that embeds pigments that don’t pass the second skin layer. The pigments used are cosmetically safe for skin usage. Thin hairs are drawn in with the tool, leaving it very hard to distinguish the difference between the real hairs and the microbladed hairs.

Traditionally tattooed eyebrows may change color over the years and don’t ever come off, making it hard to fix any mistake, or change up your eyebrows according to the latest trends. However, in microblading the color doesn’t change, and the hairs fade off after a short period of time, allowing you to change the shape and the color of the eyebrows. How awesome!

“At Brazilian Microblading, the process takes up to 1.5-2 hours, and the best part, it’s pain-free!”

We spoke to Rabab Kotb, the owner of “Brazilian Microblading – the only microblading cosmetics center in Egypt – to give us more information. “The pigments used don’t have mercury, ammonia, or iron oxide, which are the elements that cause coloration,” she says adding that microbladed hairs take maximum up to 15 months to wear off. At Brazilian Microblading, the process takes up to 1.5-2 hours, and the best part, it’s pain-free!

The center operates on a daily basis except for Sundays, and is opened from 11am to 8 pm. See the results for yourself on their Instagram page here!

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