Mickey and Tintin, Classics that were Summer Must Haves for Every 90’s Kid!

When I say classics, I don’t mean Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte, Dickens or even Shakespeare’s classics. I’m talking about Egyptian childhood classics, comedies, magazines. Yep, stuff like Mickey magazine, El-Moghamerun el Khamsa, and the marvelous collection of teen literature and comic books. Those are the classics most of us grew up reading for fun. Back when TV wasn’t interesting at all and it was either this or your 8-bit game boy.

If you’re a 21st century kid, here’s what you missed out on; a round of applause for you if you do in fact know these.


Mickey Magazine


Well, that’s an easy one. Who didn’t grow up reading about 3am Dahab and his family? I remember running to the store to buy the magazine and reading it all the way back home because it was just that much fun! And don’t even get me started on how adorable Mickey and Minnie were and how hilariously and idiotic “3esabet el qena3 elaswad” were. We still sneak a Mickey magazine purchase whenever we can. The hardcore fans got the huge “mogalladat”, which lasted a lot longer than the magazines and were totally worth the extra few pounds.


El-Moghameroun El-Khamsa Stories

El moghamron l khamsa

That was the ultimate adventure! Who can forget the thrill and mystery which kept us up all night trying to solve the puzzle? And most definitely up until now, you hear that name and you go onto singing at the top of your lungs; “Nousa, Louza, Takhtakh, Atef, Moheb, tabe’ wa makhmakh ghamer wa hebb”


Tintin Magazine


We all know the brave journalist who was always looking for thrill and danger, the one who always jumped head first into solving mystery. It was one of the oldest magazines that taught us all about superheroes, inner power and strong will.


Bolbol; the Heroes’ Magazine


A childhood friend that magazine was… one who offered stories about school friends, lazy yet kind adults and energetic children! If you ask around, you’ll find that every 90s kid carried that magazine in their backpack.

Majid Magazine


It was founded to represent kids all around the Arab world. It was the magazine that blended fun reading with storytelling and learning. Through stories, this magazine taught kids – from the 70’s, mind you – the lessons they didn’t learn from school or their parents.



noha badawi

Noha Badawi, a 20 something bibliophile; you’ll always find me with book in my hands along with a Starbucks cup of coffee. Words & Coffee, they’re life.

Follow me on my Instagram @thebookishword or on Goodreads with Username : Noha Badawi.

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