Love 101: An intro to Love and Life

A friend of mine whis­pered in my ears the story that molded her into the woman that she is today. The story was about the first time she got hurt in her life. That pain defined her forever.

Until one day she woke up and was free.

Her heartbreak was at the age of twenty; it was a guy she met in university, and naturally, she had those vivid, colorful dreams

about their future together. The many details about what his pro­posal would be like, the massive wedding, the designer dress and of course, their three, beautiful children -two girls and a boy to be specific.

She had the image of a hero in her mind, while the guy was merely a kid who wanted to play with as many toys as he could get his hands onto. This was her first les­ son -or should I say scar. Things aren’t what they seem in our heads and love does hurt, as the song once played.

As much as the pain was intoler­ able at the time, yet it introduced her to a new state -somehow spiritual- a state that is beyond the everyday pettiness of where to go and what to wear.

For a couple of years, she re­ thought every word, every feel­ ing and every action she had experienced in that relationship. Through this process, she discov­ered that she didn’t live the mo­ment at all. She was so focused on the future that she totally missed the present -the present is literally a gift as the meaning suggests.

From that day onwards, she promised herself to focus on the moment, make the best out of it, and not to let anyone interfere with this plan. It was her little se­cret. Naturally, this is much easi­ er said than done. But when you realize this fact, this is considered a huge achievement in itself. It’s as if half the work is done already. She also developed a trick: every time she got upset, she would tell herself “let’s get upset over it tomorrow, and not right now”. Then, by the time tomorrow ar­ rived, things were better already. Tricking the mind is the best therapy you can do for yourself – as they say, “fake it till you make it”.

My friend did whatever she could to keep her mind busy and not think about her broken heart. Until one day she woke up and was free. Free of that heavyweight that she constantly car­ried. She was somehow lighter and wanted to run fast and wild filled with a desire to hug every­ one and everything.

She told me in her own words, “I will never forget this feeling of utter freedom. Now, whenever I meet someone suffering from a broken heart, I confidently tell them that the pain will be over one day, and they will experience that magical freedom,  known only to the ones who were cut deeply in love”.

I confidently tell them that the pain will be over one day.

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