Fashion Insight: A quick Glimpse on how the fashion cycle works

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Believe it or not in the world of fashion, trends are manifested nearly two years before they actually reach the global markets, yes two years! It all starts with fashion forecasting agencies, with their intensive analysis of everything starting from political events, musical hits, economic changes and even technological breakthroughs; they can predict the trends that will later on be walking down the catwalk. They identify what color palettes, fabrics and even silhouettes that would be then used.


This gives a collection’s direction for private label designers and commercial companies alongside with some private research to maintain their originality. A short while after, the process really begins with the Inter Color Group Meeting which gathers a pool of representatives from all around the world to exchange views on how trends should develop and the appropriate new color palettes.


Once such basics are settled then the fabric industry starts working, first you find the yarn shows season starting followed by fabric trade shows. Fabric events such as Premier Vision are very important because it’s the actual“first view” for designers and manufacturers all around the world for upcoming trendy fabrics and colors. They explore new innovative fabrics, key themes, and textures, they understand what the colors will be in that season and work accordingly to use it in their collections.


Now comes the hottest event of the year, the actual Designer catwalk shows, known as the fashion Week. After intensive research, analysis, trade fairs and preparations, designers finally launch their collections to the world using their own perception of how it should be worn. This is when the entire buzz starts. These shows provide the fashion media the material they need to promote the upcoming trends and are also very essential publicity for the designers themselves. Most importantly, they are a very good source for fashion retailers to integrate style changes or overlooked key items in their own collections.


Once all this information is gathered and the primary collection has been agreed upon. Retail fashion buyers start traveling to attend trade fairs all around the world to meet manufacturers and suppliers that could produce the designed products with their own standards and in enough time to be launched in the market. This is the final stage of the cycle and it takes a minimum of let’s say 6 months.


Finally when the season approaches you find fashion campaigns everywhere, each brand launching its seasonal look book, guiding you to what the IN items are. Before you know It, the whole world is following the same trend.


Still the fashion industry is fast changing and is highly influenced by its surroundings that’s why retailers are always on the watch for unexpected trends that would actually emerge throughout the season itself, it could be from a new musical video or a celebrity promoting a new style. They have to always be prepared to pick it up and provide it for the market. It’s a very competitive industry yet it’s an art of its own.


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