Etisalat’s Sexist “Joke”! Where can we draw the Line?

It might seem like we’ve come a long way when it comes to women empowerment, what with so many advocates for equality, even here in Egypt! Still, we have our fair share of setbacks, some more powerful than others, but they’re setbacks nevertheless.

When a major corporate tries to promote its product through an openly misogynistic post, we need to stop and take a close look at the “long way” we’ve come. Yes, it’s not as bad as, say, female genital mutilation, but it’s promoting the idea that it’s okay to stereotype against women.

“Telling a woman “you can’t park as well as men” and expecting her to laugh (and sadly, some women do laugh), is just the kind of behavior Etisalat should be discouraging.”

Etisalat is a huge company, and with such a huge fanbase, they have a responsibility to society. They should know better. Casual sexism, sexism that is done “just for laughs”, is just as bad as serious sexism, because how do you know when the joke ends, and real life begins?

Telling a woman “you can’t park as well as men” and expecting her to laugh (and sadly, some women do laugh), is just the kind of behavior Etisalat should be discouraging. We’re hoping the company realizes the fault in this post, and perhaps try to make up for it.

Update: showing their ability to accept criticism,  Etisalat issued an apology on their Social Media for the aforementioned post. Stating they wouldn’t want to offend anyone.

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