Egypt’s Alcohol in Ramadan Controversy Summed up in One Picture!

It is Ramadan. It is the time of the year when the country is flooded with episodes’ trailers, special decoration and expensive marketing campaigns of all types for food and drinks. Well, to be accurate, not all drinks are being advertised for, some of them actually get banned in Ramadan.

Yes, we’re talking about alcohol. And each year Egypt goes through a long, heated debate on whether it should be banned in Ramadan or not. This conflict was captured most perfectly last Friday, when a photographer called El-Husseny published on his Facebook account a picture that sums up all the contradictions about this debate. The picture shows few men praying Jumaa in front of a closed Drinkies shop at Camp Chezar neighborhood, Alex. The picture’s caption was “have a blessed Friday”. We’re huge fans of irony, and this one picture got us laughing for a while!

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