Egypt records one of the highest diabetes rates in the MENA region with 11 per cent of its population suffering from the disease

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Egypt has figured within the list of countries with the highest incidence of diabetes cases as up to 11 per cent of its population has been diagnosed with the disease, according to a specialised medical study. With current estimates indicating that the number of diabetes cases is set to double by 2025, it is crucial for government and key stakeholders in the healthcare industry to coordinate and collaborate in launching large-scale awareness campaigns and ensuring the highest level of excellence in the delivery of specialised healthcare services. In this context, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) today (Sunday, December 27, 2009) organised a press conference at the Grand Hyatt Cairo to highlight the latest developments and breakthroughs related to strategies and medications for diabetes, a chronic disease that has attracted major attention across Egypt and the rest of the MENA region.

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