Burn-out Syndrome

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Yet everything has its price, late hours, constantly being on the run to solve problems, back to back meetings and ending up too tired to undress before falling asleep on the couch. Due to the fact that our generation has reached high positions at a younger age than previous generations, the cases of downfall at a young age are becoming more and more heard about. At some point one just breaks and simply burns out.
How often do you feel like this? How often do you feel that you just can’t go to work anymore or you might find yourself screaming at anyone in the office? How many times do you find yourself scrabbling for excuses so you don’t have to show your face at work?
Burnout syndrome does not strike overnight: it develops gradually over time.
Job burnout is a response to work stress that leaves you feeling powerless, hopeless, fatigued, drained and frustrated. But since job burnout is not an overnight occurrence, it’s important to recognize its early signs and to act before the problem becomes truly serious.
Burn out is associated when a person feels:
· Overworked
· Under appreciated
· Confused about expectations and priorities
· Concerned about job security
· Over whelmed with responsibilities
· Resentful about duties that are not commensurate with pay
Burnout can occur when you feel you are unable to meet constant demands, when you become increasingly overwhelmed or when you feel depleted of energy. Debilitating sadness, anger or indifference can set in. You begin to lose the interest and motivation that led you to take your job in the first place.
Knowing the signs of unmanaged stress and burnout can help reduce your risk of burnout. Identifying the causes of your stress, recognizing your limited control of any given situation, and taking care of yourself emotionally and physically can help you avoid burnout. And just as importantly, learning how to better manage stress will help you find greater enjoyment in your life and career.
What are the signs and symptoms of burnout?
In a chronic state of stress, your body will begin to show the following physical signs of stress overload:
  • psychosomatic illnesses (psychological or emotional problems which manifest themselves physically)
  • digestive problems
  • headaches
  • high blood pressure
  • heart attacks
  • strokes
  • teeth grinding
  • fatigue
When you are on the verge of burnout, you may feel:
  • powerless
  • hopeless
  • drained
  • like a candle burning at both ends
  • frustrated
  • detached from people and things around you
  • little satisfaction from your work
  • bored
  • resentment for having too much to do
  • like a failure
  • stuck in a situation from which you cannot extricate yourself
  • unsure about your choice of job or career
  • withdrawn, isolated from coworkers and friends
  • insecure about your competence and abilities
  • cynical
  • irritable
  • anxious
Putting on the brakes:
It would be far better never to fall into the vicious cycle of overwork and inner pressure in the first place.
Rule No.1: Budget your physical resources. Anti-stress measures are as simple as they are effective. They include eating wholesome food at regular mealtimes, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep.
Rule No.2: Workaholics must aim to find a balance between tension and relaxation. It’s what is called a work-life balance. One woman may reduce stress by going long distance running; another may lie on her sofa at home listening to classical CDs; someone else may beat stress by tending the rose bushes in her garden. The hobby itself doesn’t matter, it is devotion to a pleasurable activity that does.
Are you experiencing job burnout?
  • Do work activities you once found enjoyable now feel like drudgery?
  • Have you become more cynical or bitter about your job, your boss or the company?
  • Are non-work relationships (marital, family, friendships) affected by your feelings about work?
Do you find yourself:
  • dreading going to work in the morning?
  • easily annoyed or irritated by your co-workers?
  • envious of individuals who are happy in their work?
  • caring less now than you used to about doing a "good job" at work?
Are you:
  • regularly experiencing fatigue and low energy levels at your job?
  • easily bored with your job?
  • depressed on Sunday afternoons thinking about Monday and the coming week?
If you answered yes to five or more of the above, you may be suffering from job burnout.
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