Buend Cosmetics: Redefining Beauty with Nathalie Sherif


In the realm of beauty and cosmetics, an Egyptian brand has been making waves with its unique blend of bright and fun products and modern formulas. Founded by the visionary entrepreneur Nathalie Sherif, Buend stands out not just for its quality products but for the ethos that drives it – to empower individuals to embrace their natural beauty.

Inspiration Strikes

“I went into pharmacy because I wanted to create my own formulas,” Sherif shares. She saw a gap in the market, which is that local brands either had good products or a good brand identity. Buend was born – a fusion of effectiveness, fragrance, and branding amazing products. She explained, “I wanted to provide products that had great effect but also had great fragrance and good branding.”

Her journey was not without its twists and turns and its ups and downs. Sherif reflected on her earlier business venture during quarantine with friends, “I started a brand with two of my friends. At the time, I did not understand what was branding, or even what a brand is?”. The business venture was a learning experience for her. She learned how to run a business and learned a lot about herself. “I learned how were the suppliers and where to get them. I even learned a lot about myself, and discovered that I could be a leader and lead my own business.”, she smiles, reminiscing about her growth.

During her last year of college, she left the brand to conduct her research and start her own brand. “I left to find inspiration that was more similar to me and to what I wanted to provide for people.”, she reflected. Her prior experience helped her build Buend to the brand it is today. She explained, “I was very grateful that I did not have to start at zero. I had two years of experience that helped me with Buend. I started Buend on 15/11/2022.”

Buend’s Unique Proposition

Buend’s mission is to enhance natural beauty by using chemical-free natural products. Sherif explained, “What sets Buend apart is that we offer a solution with every product, which has a specific effect.” With a keen eye on market gaps, Buend introduces innovative solutions. They deliver what the target audience wants. She exemplified, “Pre-shaving is a struggle for many, and it is not a common product here in Egypt. So we created a pre-shave product.”

Challenges and Triumphs

Being a young female entrepreneur navigating the industry does not come with its own challenges. “Dealing with suppliers in Egypt is a nightmare,” Sherif admits. She is only 24 years old and they view her as too young or naive. The suppliers try to rip her off or overcharge her. She added, “They even try to pressure me into buying products I do not want.” But the journey is not all bumps. “But achieving word-of-mouth success in just a year is incredible.” The journey of Buend is a testament to resilience. “I’m proud that I built this alone,” she beams. From workshops in Gouna to gaining customer trust, every step has been a milestone.

A Glimpse into the Future

Buend’s amazing journey just started, and many truimphs are on the horizan. “We are working on two projects for our summer campaign.” Sherif reveals. They will launch a brand new hair line, and a face. She even teased that their products will available in pharmacies by May. Buend is expected to do a lot of really cool workshops in the North Coast, next summer.

In a world inundated with beauty brands, Buend stands tall as a beacon of authenticity and efficacy. With Nathalie Sherif at the helm, the future of beauty looks brighter than ever.

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