Having a basic understanding of finances will set you on the right path of becoming financially stable. Especially for women, learning how to navigate finances is key. Picking up a book about personal finance can be a great tool to learn about the basic rules of money. But, if want to achieve your long-term finical goals, then these books are an absolute must. These financial literacy books give you detailed advice, give fun examples, and put financial literacy concepts in simple terms. Also, they offer real-life guidance from finance professionals. Books can help you humanize, simplify, and apply the different concepts of financial literacy.
Three women, Elle, Collins, and Jade, are our investors. They have been friends for decades and the readers see them through major milestones in their personal and financial life. They have nothing in common when it comes to finance and their goals when it comes to money. But, they decided to track their wealth-building goals and track their progress together.
Financial Feminist
Written by the mega-talented Tori Dunlap, she found that girls are less likely to receive financial education. In adulthood, women are only taught to spend less and not taught about investing. In Financial Feminist, she distills the principles of her judgment-free approach to paying off debt, spending mindfully, and saving money.
Girls That Invest
Girls That Invest is the perfect step-by-step guide to financial independence. The book explains how the stock market works. Simran Kaur teaches the essential principles you can apply to any market, anywhere in the world. Kaur explains that money provides freedom: the freedom to handle whatever life throws at you.
The Feminist Financial Handbook
The Feminist Financial Handbook talks about how to live your wealthiest life. But there is an oppressive system that creates innumerable hurdles between you and your aspirations. She finds the answers to the hard questions revolving around money. Through reading this book, the reader will know what wealth and success is, how to earn more and negotiate effectively, and money-saving methods.
She’s on the Money
Victoria Devine, through her podcast She’s on the Money, has built a community of women finding their way to financial freedom. To help you hit your money goals without skimping on brunch, she puts all of her advice into an accessible guide. Devine advices the reader on how to be more secure, independent and informed with your money. She offers clear steps on how to budget, clear debts, build savings, start investing, buy property and much more. The book is full of real-life money stories from members of the She’s on the Money community.