ola gomaa

أمك ولا النت يا طه؟

دلوقتي في أي حتة نقعد فيها أو نروحها وكل ما نتجمع عيالنا بتبقى عينيهم في تليفوناتهم ومش حاسين بأي حاجة حواليهم، ماحدش مركز في أي حاجة بتحصل في الواقع، حتى الطفل اللي عنده 5 سنين بقى عنده موبايل ونت وسوشيال ميديا. في أهل بيستغلوا إنشغال عيالهم في كل ده علشان يلاقوا وقت لنفسهم، وبالتالي في…

Seeing is Believing

Vision is the ability to see with our eyes when there is enough light. Based on our eyesight, we can see vivid colors and identify the exact shapes and dimensions of anything around us. It is one of the first instincts by which we decide if something is appealing or appalling. However, the process of…

Newton’s Laws of (Human) Motion

In everyone’s life, there comes a moment where you have to detach from something, be it beliefs, resentments, fears, places, or memories, and to leave this entrapment in search for new comfort. For a person to change, they must have dealt with something difficult that led to their inability to continue in the same pattern.…

How to Stay Connected when your Kids are Glued to their Smart Phones

About fifteen years ago, when emails where the only way to get connected to people living away, there was a circulating email about a boy who sent his parents a long email apologizing for his long absence and not being able to visit them more often because he was extremely busy and at the end…

The 7 Deadly Sins of Egyptian Moms

Being a mom is a blessing, a gift, a divine experience that starts as soon as you feel the baby kicking inside. Unfortunately, this blessing doesn’t come with a manual, so we rely on our parenting instincts, and too often, this proves to be a huge mistake. Moms could detect a problem by instinct, but…

Not a Cruel World after All?

How to talk to kids about death   Parents have a natural protective instinct towards their children; it’s an instinct that appears as early as the time the baby is still safe in the mother’s womb. Along with protection comes an enormous amount of fear, they want to keep their kids safe and sound at…

A New ERA of Style

Bringing comfort to Modern furniture The furniture market in Egypt has undergone many changes and advanced a lot in all aspects. The renewed passion for design and unique pieces have created a need for new brands and designers in our homes. Aya Galal created herself a niche with a well selected portfolio of furniture brands…

8 Heartache Wonder Killers

Tired of mending that broken heart? Try out these amazing tips for getting over him; you won’t believe how fast they will actually work!   1- Yes cry: release your hurt and frustration, but don’t cry all the time till you get depressed. Revel in being human who has feelings and that you were strong…

Time is Money, but not at this end of the world!

Time is valued differently among people, for a physicist it is considered one of a few important fundamental quantities, for an astronomer it could be the distance between planets, for a businessman it could mean money, for a surgeon it is a matter of life and death, for a champion it is the difference between…

Tribulations of Raising an Egyptian Man

A Mother’s Confession: The Tribulations of Raising an Egyptian Man

 As an Egyptian woman, I, like many others, have many doubts about the way Egyptian males are brought up. From the discrimination in treatment to responses to actions, I watched many times how male cousins in my family got the royal treatment while we, the females got the “you can’t do this, you are a…



Anniversairy CampaignWhat Women Want 16th Anniversary