by Noha Darwish

Bad Habits that run in every woman’s blood

 Women are really amazing creatures. We are able to play a multitude of roles in a span of one day, multi-task like there’s no tomorrow, and still manage to look (and smell) great. Yet, we still have a few habits that we can curb. So in the spirit of self-examination here are the top 8…

Personal Economics

13 Simple Money Saving Tips     Economics, whether that of a state or of a single individual boils down to one basic thing in the end; how to allocate limited resources in the most efficient way possible. Balancing out your needs and wants in relation to your income could prove tricky at times, especially…

The Fantasy President

18 Qualities Our New President Must Have   By Noha Darwish   Only a few months ago, thinking of a new Egyptian President was a luxury we thought we could never afford. Fast forward to the current time and we find that everyone short of your building’s doorman is running for presidency. This can be…



Anniversairy CampaignWhat Women Want 16th Anniversary