
Do Condoms Really Kill Pleasure?

Powered by Ma3looma   A lot of men refuse to use condoms, even though they are excellent contraceptives, especially when the woman is unable to use a method of her own. The commonly heard excuse for this refusal is the lack of intimacy between the couple caused by using a condom. A recent study, however,…

What’s the Story, Morning Glory? Morning Erections 101

Morning erections of the penis – or what is scientifically known as Nocturnal Penile Tumescence – occur either during sleep or immediately after waking up. This is something that happens to all healthy men and actually has nothing to do with sexual desire. Morning erections occur during the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) phase of sleep,…

7 Foods that Boost Fertility and Libido in Men and Women

Fertility in men and women is affected by many internal and external factors. Internal factors include psychological aspects, such as stress, worry and tension, while external factors are more physical and include body weight, malnutrition and not knowing what kinds of food increase fertility and improve sexual performance. Nutrition plays a vital role in male…



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