Farida Salem

Lella Fadda Raw and Unfiltered: MAGNÜN Album Review!

For the past year, we have been obsessing over the new era of Lella Fadda. From her pop origins to becoming one of Egypt’s hip-hop trailblazers, and now her new album MAGNÜN, she is rewriting the rules of the industry with a voice that’s as delicate as it is defiant. It all began with the powerful,…


Naji Ismail’s “Mama”: A Heartbreaking Journey Through Love and Loss

Premiering at the Medfest Festival as part of the “Grief and Loss” program, Naji Ismail’s Mama left us astonished with its tender, heart-wrenching message. At its core, it is a story of unbreakable familial bonds. It tells the story of a mother who loves her daughter fiercely, a daughter who would sacrifice anything for her…


TUL8TE’s Newest Album: When, Where, What?

Is TUL8TE’s “A mixtape from TUL8TE exclusively to my sweethearts” (كوكتيل غنائي للفنان تووليت حصرياً لحبايب قلبي) the Egyptian BRAT? Amid the rise of the music scene in Egypt, the world wasn’t ready for TUL8TE to get us reminiscing about our exes and ohs! TUL8TE’s songs are captivating Spotify’s global charts, and we couldn’t be…

AlRawabi School for Girls

AlRawabi School For Girls: Will It Re-break Your Heart?

In a world, where we are all hooked to our phones, where social media is our absolute best friend, and where social standing is directly tied to the number of followers we have. The second season of AlRawabi School for Girls comes to reveal the ugly side of the world. The second season of AlRawabi…

Still From 60 Egyptian Pounds directed by Air Salama

60 Egyptian Pounds: From A Song About Domestic Violence To A Thrilling Film

When we listen to songs with powerful messages, we picture the backstory and imagine the reality of that world. That is precisely what Amr Salama, the director, did when he began to dig into the trap music industry and the world of Ziad Zaza. Instead of directing a music video for Zaza’s unreleased song “60…

Still From Sea Salt

Sea Salt: An Ode To Arab Female Adolescence  

As part of the short films program, the coming-of-age short film Sea Salt has officially made its debut in the Mediterranean Sea Cinema theater at El-Gouna Film Festival.  Sea Salt, directed by Laila Basma, follows a 17-year-old Lebanese girl named Nayla. Nayla is working as a waitress at a beachside resort when she must make…

Al Rawabi School for Girls: A Horrifying Reality or Fiction

AlRawabi School for Girls: Fiction or A Horrifying Reality?

School can be a nightmare or a fairytale, and the nightmare’s now on screen for everyone to watch.  Mariam lay on the floor, blood streaming from her head, as footsteps ran away from the scene. Are you hooked yet? The AlRawabi schools for girls series depicts the life of a young female in an all-girls…



Anniversairy CampaignWhat Women Want 16th Anniversary