First Egyptian Woman in Dow Worldwide to Receive ‘I am the Human Element’ Award

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Katia Philip, Dow’s Human Resources Manager for the United Arab Emirates and Egypt, is the first Egyptian woman worldwide to receive Dow’s ‘I am the Human Element’ award. The award recognizes Katia for her passion and contribution towards improving the lives of those less fortunate in Egypt as well as elsewhere in Africa.


Since the age of 15, Katia has been pursuing what she calls, “an incredible feeling of unconditional giving”, building shelters for the homeless, cooking and providing food to the hungry, sponsoring those who need assistance in life and dedicating herself to all kinds of volunteer activities throughout Egypt.


Katia recently volunteered to serve some of the remote villages in Southern Egypt where she interrelated with some of the neediest members, visiting the sick and distributing food and medication. Katia also helped alert the residents on the significance of hygiene, consulted families on the importance of education and helped evaluate development ideas for unemployed husbands and older children in the family.


Katia has been working with Dow Chemical in the Middle East for six years and in her responsibility as a Human Resources Manager, she works together with employees on a regular basis to teach and enlighten them on professional growth, recruiting, and HR policies. But Katia’s greatest passion and sustained efforts in life are directed towards the betterment of the community which goes far beyond her professional role.


Stefan Vos, Human Resources Director for Dow Chemical India, Middle east and Africa (IMEA), applauded Katia’s achievements and stated, “Dow’s ‘I am the Human Element’ honors employees as Katia who through their passion, courage, innovation, sincerity and attitude of fearless responsibility improve the lives of those around them who are less fortunate.”


Dow Chemical in the Middle East has been recognized for its commitment to a work environment that embraces diversity, promotes inclusion and rewards respect. In 2008, Dow was named ‘Employer of the Year’ at the 2nd Middle East Business Achievement (MEBA) Awards. That same year, Dow received the ‘HR Initiative of the Year’ award for ‘I am the Human Element’ at the Middle East HR Summit Excellence Awards. Dow was also honored with the ‘Best Workplace Practices’ award at the 5th CSR Summit 2008 in Dubai in recognition of the company’s innovative and distinctive internal practices.



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