First Comes Pregnancy Brain, Then Comes Mommy Brain!

  1. Mayar Bakeer

So,I was at work, and my colleague asked me, “Mayar, where are you going?”

In complete confidence, I replied,“I’m going to the potty.“

I was met with absolute silence in the entire office, from which point I slowly crawled my way away… To the potty…

  1. Nihal Kossay

I was repeatedly telling my daughter Haya that she needed to finish her homework. She kept saying that she needs a break because her pen was getting hot and she couldn’t hold it! She even asked me to hold it and see for myself.The problem is; I actually did!

  1. Maha Ahmed Eissa

I caught myself throwing my husband’s shorts in the trash bin instead of the hamper!

  1. Aida Shaaban

My daughter Jamilahwas underweight when she was born and her pediatrician asked me to feed her on demand. I literally breastfed her every hour,around the clock, even at night! I did that for 20 minutes on each side, so that’s 40 minutes for each feeding! I had no help whatsoever; no mother and my husband slept in another room for the first 4 months.

When Jamilahwas just about 2 months old,my husband woke up one night from her constant, loud crying for 30 minutes, then decided to come check on us as I obviously wasn’t soothing her and he couldn’t sleep from all the noise.He goes into the room and I am nowhere to be found.Hepanics and starts searching the house for me!

He finally found me half asleep,sitting on the toilet, breastfeeding the PILLOW! He got such a scare! He shook me awake and I just looked back at him and said, “Shhh! I’m trying to put her back to sleep!”

I think he completely froze for a minute until he processed the whole scene. Hahaha! I was beyond sleep deprived!

  1. Salma M.Attia

Maria was just 11 days old and liked to ‘exercise her lungs’ from midnight until early morning. During a mini nervous breakdown, I handed her to my husband so I can take a 15-minute break and call my dad. Instead, I found myself rocking my phone to sleep! The look of pity on my husband’s face said it all!

  1. Yahra Zamzam

I never would have thought that I would be so tired that I would keep ringing the doorbell of my downstairs neighbour’s apartment for 5 minutes, thinking it was my house! I’ve been living here for 2 years!

7.   Sara Yehia 

So this happened yesterday ( featured image )

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