Weren’t Vintage Egyptian Ads just Fabulous?

I thought the idea of using celebrities in ads and choosing certain celebrity to be the face of the product in order to promote the product was something new, but when I looked into this more I found out it goes way back to the Good Old Days!

It all started with hiring “Umm Kulthum,” (kawkab al shark) as the face of soap “Nabulsi Farouk” followed by artist Amina Rizk in the promotion of the same product.

So let’s start listing the vintage beauty ads that made history & was famous at that era:

  • Um kolthoum (soap)


  • Hind Rostom (Hair Oil)I think all the girls went crazy for this oil, for sure I would have bought it !



  • Lola Sedki (soap)


  • Mariam Fakhr El Din (hair product Comb)


  • Berlanty Abdel Hamid (facial cream Tamara the same company hired Hind Rostom to be the face of the cream) they surly picked the right actresses to be the face of their company.


  • Magda(soap) 1950



  • Safiya Zaghloul (perfume in 1920) even Um kolthoum was a fan of the perfume.


  • Tahiya Karioka the belly dancer & actress for “Boumbea”.178399
  • Mariam Fakhr El Din for Coca-Cola


  • Hoda Sultan for Atlas


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