The Best Ways to Keep your Dog Safe from Parvo

Dogs are more than pets, they become part of the family. This is why it’s heartbreaking when we lose them, especially if this loss is preventable. One of the scariest diseases that infect canines is Parvo. Parvo is a very common and highly contagious viral disease that can kill the infected dog. It can be transmitted by any person, animal or object that comes in contact with another infected dog’s feces. Parvo symptoms usually show within 3-10 days from exposure to the disease. Symptoms include vomiting, loss of appetite, bloody diarrhea, fever, and lethargy.

Here are some tips to help prevent Parvo.

“very young puppies that aren’t old enough to receive vaccines are definitely under more danger”


Get your Puppy Vaccinated

Dogs must be vaccinated starting from when they are 6-8 weeks. Previously vaccinated dogs should always get boosters on their vaccines every year. That being said, very young puppies that aren’t old enough to receive vaccines are definitely under more danger. Especially since puppies cannot survive the aggressive disease.

Avoid Dog Parks and Pet Stores

In the case of a very young puppy that hasn’t been vaccinated, one should be extra careful. Think about it this way, puppies are a little extra vulnerable. Avoid taking your dog places where it might interact with a lot of unvaccinated dogs, or catch the disease from another infected dog.

“The sooner you discover the virus, the more likely your dog will survive.”


Watch out for Symptoms

This isn’t just for puppies; it always pays to be safe. Closely watch your dog for symptoms. If your dog or puppy shows even one of the symptoms mentioned, take them to the vet right away. The sooner you discover the virus, the more likely your dog will survive.

Make Sure you don’t Infect Them

if you play with other dogs or puppies, or frequent places where many dogs are present. Make sure to disinfect and change your clothes before greeting your pup.

Keep it Spick and Span

The virus itself is very difficult to kill and can live in your home for about a year! If you suspect that any place at home is infected, you’re going to have to disinfect with a 1:32 dilution of bleach (1/2 cup bleach in a gallon of water). Ordinary soap and even Dettol do not kill Parvo virus. Remember, the virus can survive on a variety of objects, including food bowls, shoes, clothes, carpet and floors.

Be your Puppies’ Second Mommy

Try to carry puppies around if you’re going anywhere where other dogs may have gone to the toilet. Those little ones need extra protection from the disease.

“since Parvo is spread through feces, it’s only safe to keep your dog from playing with (or even worse, eating) poop at a dog park”


Always Watch your Dog when Walking it

We all know about dogs’ strange affection towards poop. And since Parvo is spread through feces, it’s only safe to keep your dog from playing with (or even worse, eating) poop at a dog park.


Last but not least, don’t panic. We don’t want you to worry, just be careful. This disease is ruthless, and it requires you keeping a very close eye on your puppies and dogs.Watch out, spread the word, and get your dog vaccinated.


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